No business will ever say “We have enough sales, we don’t need any more, let’s take a break for a month”

You’d love to generate more sales for your business. I haven’t seen a business in my entire life that is satisfied with its sales target. No business will ever say “We have enough sales, we don’t need any more, let’s take a break for a month.”

Businesses are in love with sales. This is why you started a business in the first place.

You don’t have to listen to me, statistics reveal similar patterns.

According to HubSpot’s State of Inbound 2017, 71 per cent of businesses reported that generating more sales is their top priority. So how you can achieve sales target for your business?

One great way is to see what other businesses are doing and replicate the same.

Let’s see what four businesses have to say about their best strategy for sales, and how you can apply the same in your business.

1. Empathy in sales

Empathy in sales pays off and is one of the best ways to boost sales.

Colleen Stanley, the President and Chief Selling Officer at Salesleadership Inc., says:

“Empathy creates an emotional connection which elevates the sales conversation.”

Empathy is a dimension of emotional intelligence. It is a must-have skill for your salespersons that allow them to put themselves in their customer’s shoes. This allows them to better understand the feelings and emotional state of the customers.

Stanley says:

“If your salespersons don’t understand your potential customers, they can never convince them to buy. Why would I buy from a sales agent who doesn’t even understand me and my needs?”

Key takeaway: Train your salespersons. Empathy in sales can be developed with the help of training. Stanley suggests two simple rules to develop empathy skills in your sales team.

  1. Train them to pay attention and listen to the prospects.
  2. Train them to take off their shoes and step into their prospect’s shoes.

Let’s get serious.

Also read: Don’t get tricked into employing an average sales team

2. Use social media

Social networking sites can help you generate sales. Social media isn’t just great at generating sales but it helps boost engagement which increases customer lifetime value.

Quentin Pignard, CEO of the QP Software, says:

“Half of our sales in the last 6 months were generated via WeChat. Not just that we have been using social media successfully to generate sales, but traffic from social media has the highest page views and conversion rate.”

Key takeaway: Posting multiple times on social networks a day will not help much. You’ve to have a social media marketing strategy to drive sales.

Choose one social network that has delivered exceptional results in the past and stick to it. Not all social networks will help you generate sales. For instance, if you run an e-commerce store, Facebook might be a better option as compared to Twitter.

Test. Tweak. And stick.

3. Video is the sales agent of the future

You cannot do business without the internet and you cannot make internet work for your business without videos. As much as 52 per cent of marketers say that videos have the highest ROI.

This is what exactly Adam Lebenstein, the founder of ASL Productions, says:

“It will be hard to generate sales online without videos in near future. We are living in an age that’s powered by interactive videos. Your customers don’t like those boring product images. All they care for is videos, videos that are short, interesting, and informative. Everything else is secondary, or will soon become secondary.”

Video marketing is one of the primary sources of leads and sales generation used by ASL Productions, and this is what they recommend to every other business.

Key takeaway: Creating engaging and professional videos that will drive sales for your business is an expensive route. This is why most of the businesses don’t focus on videos.

Be different. Create videos and promote them, even if it costs you money. You’ll never regret creating videos.

Let’s start by creating one video a week. This is something that most of the businesses can afford.

Also read: Video is taking over the internet and everyone is letting it, a fireside chat in Echelon Asia Summit 2017

4. Focus on boosting sales

You cannot meet sales target if it’s not your priority. If you don’t have a marketing strategy for generating leads and sales, you won’t go too far. According to Tomas Slimas, the CMO of Oberlo:

“After selling $3 million worth of other people’s products in a year, I can tell you one thing that you shouldn’t concentrate on what your store looks like when you’ve just launched it. Instead, put all of your energy into making sales. You’re an ecommerce entrepreneur, and your main goal is to generate as much revenue as possible — focus on experimenting with marketing campaigns first, and leave the design work until later.”

Experimentation is what makes you great at generating sales.

Key takeaway: The rule to sell pretty much anything like candies is to set challenging sales target and making sure you’ve provided all the necessary resources to your sales team. Not to mention, you cannot do it without a rigorous marketing strategy that aims to boost sales.

What’s your take on these sales generation techniques? What you’ll choose for your brand?


Featured Image Copyright: joneshon / 123RF Stock Photo

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