Definitely an essential need for teams that are working remotely

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Team communication is a real issue, especially if you are dealing with a virtual team. It gets hard to manage and to keep a virtually distributed and geographically dispersed team on a single page all the times. The right tools and resources can prove to be of much help in such scenarios.

If your business has team members located in different countries and you are finding it hard to keep things straight, the following four tools are considered best for team communication and collaboration.

1. Slack

Perhaps the very first tool that you need to grab is none other than Slack. A simple looking messaging app that will keep your entire team connected 24/7.

It lets you send direct messages, group messages, share files, integrate it with other tools, stay connected on the go, and much more. Slack is not just a tool for your teams or departments but it is a must-have tool for your entire business.

Slack is known as the central station for any business.

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2. SugarSync

Sharing files in real-time with the entire team is a pain. A cloud storage service such as SugarSync can solve file sharing and data storage issues smartly. The beauty of SugarSync is its real-time integration and file sharing. If a team member makes a change in a file, it is instantly available on all the versions of the same file opened everywhere. This will make the life of your team members easy.

It sync files and folders, it has encrypted backup service, collaboration features, and above all it lets you maintain the existing folder structure.


Team members working from different places on a single project have to share their screens. It is something quite obvious. is the smoothest and the simplest tool that makes screen sharing a piece of cake.

Plus, audio calls and video conferencing will spice up the screen sharing.

Yes, Skype is an option too but if you are sick of lagging issue with the Skype, is the next best alternative for your team.

Also Read: Shh, this startup wants to help you keep your communications secret

4. Trello

A flexible messaging service that simply stands out from the crowd. Trello is more of a tool that will keep your entire business connected. You can use boards, cards, and lists to organise ideas and keep everyone in the loop.

Trello lets you create different boards and lists. How about a daily, weekly and monthly to-do list for every single team in every department? What I personally love about Trello is its fun and easy-to-use interface. It is just lovely.

These four tools are sure to improve your team’s communication as well as effectiveness to a decent extent. There is no best tool that will fit every team and every business. You might have to try and analyse multiple apps and software to finally choose the ones that go best with your business model and team structure.

There is always something better for your team out there – find it!

Image Credit: Asaf R on Unsplash

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