Apps and connected platforms are helping both patients and healthcare professionals

It is easy to systemise the delivery of healthcare services through mobile apps. Apart from improving standards of healthcare, chances of irregularities are eliminated by apps. Health related fraud can be controlled or reduced as the whole process remains traceable.

Here are the ways mobile apps can transform healthcare:

1. Improved patient engagement

What discourages patients’ engagement with physicians are long queues and procedures, lack of transparency of cost, and service quality. It often turns out frustrating for patients when they come early, only to know that their physician is running late or not available even after booking an appointment. But a dedicated mobile app development is the answer. It can help in removing complexities related to both physicians and patients.

Think of an app that helps patients in reminding that how many pills they have to take and when they need to take the next dose. These apps can also help patients who are running low on pills and ask whether they want to pick up their prescriptions at the pharmacy near their location. There are certainly limitless possibilities with an app of this type.

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2. Quick access to healthcare

Apps offer patients with the most rapid way to reach treatment or seek a doctor’s advice without any need of actually meeting at a location. Also, mobile apps can be quite useful for the patients from rural areas where they have no or limited access to doctors or they will not easily be able to visit doctors because of chronic disease. With an app, doctors can decide whether visiting patients physically is required or not. Also, apps let doctors provide healthcare services virtually, check prescriptions, re-prescribe a course, provide advice, as well as monitor improvements.

3. Reduced healthcare fraud

With increasing patient access to healthcare, we can also notice the explosion in costs and increase in fraud. But if things are managed via digital way such as via an app, all those irregularities can be reduced and controlled. It’s easy to trace people and transactions in space and time using mobile apps. Here we see a brighter future of mobile application development for healthcare. Apps will also allow Medicare to correlate the data of claims with a location, time in order to reduce the occurrence of errors or irregularities.

4. Improved patient safety

With mobile application development in healthtech and even insurtech, patients get tools to manage and monitor their own health and conditions. Currently, patients leave hospitals with the bundle of prescriptions, advice, and bills, and very little knowledge or information about how to handle all this. Here apps can easily take care of everything: from most urgent to least urgent tasks as directed by a doctor. Also, apps can help patients in reminding doses of medicines, monitoring the side-effects and storing and transferring the date for further use.

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With apps, healthcare service providers have a way to effectively manage healthcare even in complex conditions. There is mobile technology being invented and tested, which allows doctors to implant sensors directly into patient’s body and then track their health problems and improvements.


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