Great content can make a big difference in enhancing your social and viral reach

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Today, with two out of three adults using social media to keep up with news, every business should embrace content marketing as its best friend.

Content marketing is not only about generating creative and potentially viral content. It can be the leading factor that nudges your prospective customers toward buying your products. You can then convert them into loyal customers.

Giving free and resourceful content to your audience is a chance to engage and educate them about your products and services, so that they trust you enough to do business with you.

In this digital era, there is a sea of content out there, however. Thus, to stand apart, yours has to be recognisable, which means it should have a distinctive voice. You need to offer solutions and answers to big questions your audience and potential market may be asking.

Those are the keys to high-quality content.

Why outsource?

It is no secret that consistently creating high quality content can be a challenge, especially if your business is short on resources. Firstly, this requires time. High quality content involves extended market research, so you can dig deeper and grasp the essence of ‘solutions’ and ‘answers’ your market is looking for.

Second, this requires exceptional talent. Creating high quality content requires a balance across creativity, technical capability and research.

Now, the problem is this: good talent can be expensive — and even if you want to produce content yourself, time becomes your biggest issue.

So here’s a solution for you: Outsource your content marketing. This is how you go from ‘doing it all’ to ‘doing what you do best’. Here are four major benefits of outsourcing your content marketing:

Become more efficient in doing things that you do best

Even if you are good at business development, digital marketing, or even running a company, developing content may not be your forte. You may argue that you love writing, but honestly, it might not your expertise (apart from the fact that content marketing is more than just ‘writing’).

Based on Hubspot’s State of Inbound 2015 Report, even professional marketers in Asia-Pacific region spends two to four hours for a single blog post.

Hubspot Graph

If you have a frequency of posting four to six blog post a week, that would cost one day of work, per person.

This is why you need to outsource your content marketing to a team or person who can truly focus on the activity.

You can eliminate time-consuming things, including developing content strategy and formatting, finding images, editing, proofreading, and social media management.

All of these are the tasks that  — when executed by professionals  — will cut you a lot of work hours and result in a far more compelling content.

You can scale your budget and expected result

Building an internal content team is not easy. In the startup world, hiring an in-house content team with limited budget might only afford you junior content marketers and writers. But outsourcing content marketing to a trustworthy agency means it is much easier to scale your budget to your expectations.

Outsourcing gives you instant access to experts. You may start working with a team on a part-time basis, starting with creating and executing monthly content strategy. This can get you in touch with content marketer experts at a fraction of the cost, compared to how much it takes to hire them in-house.

Expert Worker

You can be flexible in scaling up or down

As a startup, the future is admittedly volatile. Sometimes you need to scale up in a burst. At other times, you might need to scale down.

Having an internal content team is challenging when it comes to faster-paced companies. There is always a need to hire quickly when it’s time to scale up or make layoffs when it’s time to scale down.

But with outsourced content marketing, the only factor left is your budget. When the cash flow tightens, you only need to cut down some hours or amount of work. Otherwise, the work can be increased.

Choose Job

You don’t have to deal with recruitment

Interviews and recruitment are issues you can minimise.

You don’t have to worry with questions like: Does this talent suit your company’s culture? Is his writing style what you need? Can he work up to expectations? Is he open to learning new styles of writing? It is painful to separate ‘the right talent’ from ‘the not a good fit, but within the budget’ candidates.

Not to mention, managing a full in-house team is time and energy consuming – especially with the wrong team members.

Therefore, outsourcing content strategy eliminates all these factors.

I hate people

In conclusion

Chances are, your startup has limitations — in terms of budgeting and team experts. Outsourcing your content marketing will enable you to delegate work, so that you can focus on the things within your expertise.

Furthermore, it will give you the high-quality content you need, while keeping your team as lean and as efficient as possible.


Benson Putra is a Digital Marketing Specialist at Sribulancer, an online marketplace that provides freelancer talents. You can follow Benson on LinkedIn for the latest insights on digital marketing.

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