As cybercrimes grow more complex, startups need to reinforce their cybersecurity measures

Have you ever wondered why the managed security services are important?

The data threat landscape is progressing on a daily basis. Besides bringing convenience, it is also increasing the risk of cyber-attacks on all companies as well as individuals. Malware attacks doubled to 8.19 billion in 2016, as per Dell Security.

As much as organizations want to deny it, the ever-evolving threats from cybercriminals can evade even the seemingly best protected infrastructures regardless of their size or resources. And if you think the rate of compromise will decrease in the years ahead, the trend is not in their favour.

Organisations with limited staff and low budget may be lagging behind in security management. Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) enable such organizations not only with cost-effective threat detection but also with swift maintenance.

Managed security services offer a wide range of frameworks to assure that there is no threat in the system. Using a managed security service brings multiple benefits. Here are the top five:

  1. Unparalleled Protection

One of the most major benefits offered by MSSPs is their supreme protection. MSSPs usually have advanced approaches that use well-tested and state-of-the-art technologies including artificial intelligence, machine learning, and threat intelligence. Because of their wide reach, MSSPs have valuable insights into the global landscape and also the latest cybersecurity threats. As threats and criminals emerge, MSSPs can offer their services round the clock, with active monitoring of all security systems and internal infrastructure.

  1. Cost Savings

A managed security service provider will save organizations considerable upfront technology investments as well as monthly predictable costs. Employing the very same number of experts as an MSSP would mean higher expenses in terms of training, wages and benefits. Although this is possible for large-scale companies, small businesses often simply do not have enough financial resources. Furthermore, downtime caused by cybersecurity attacks can be disastrous, if not business-end. So, for cost feasibility, security management is outsourced to MSSP.

  1. You Save on Technology

Unlike businesses with independent cybersecurity experts, MSSPs are capable of spreading the fixed cost of their total technology investment over a large customer base, passing those savings on to the customer. A report from the International Data Corporation (IDC) observed that companies that switched to managed security providers reduced IT infrastructure costs by 24 per cent.

Looking past the savings companies can see that they do not have their own cybersecurity staff, among the most significant cost savings offer MSSPs is associated with technology investments. MSSPs are able to stay continuously updated with the latest technologies, guarding against whatever new global threat criminals put up with next. Investing in this technology is not only expensive for individual companies, but also the price of licensing and training must be considered. MSSPs enable both small and large enterprises to replace unpredictable capital expenditure with predictable operating costs.

  1. Innovative technologies

Another critical advantage that MSSPs offer is the access to and use of technology they leverage to safeguard their customers. Even though many companies have innovative technology systems, not one of them is the perfect solution that prevents cybercrime.

Also Read: What does the new cybersecurity paradigm look like?

MSSPs have not only functioned and tested most of the technologies on their own, but also have the ability to build solutions organically based on each client’s individual needs. Their global span enables them to be familiar with a wide variety of industries, as well as the perfect way for their technologies to protect against threats in those different fields. This experience gives ongoing analysis and data, further helping MSSPs change and evolve with the landscape.

  1. Security Professionals

Quality MSSPs offer additional business support not only to meet compliance needs but also to tailor their cybersecurity program to individual industry-specific needs and risks. Security professionals are experts in their field and have expert knowledge in managing risks, implementing controls, and developing customized security strategies for each individual company.

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The amount of training and education these workers have would be financially impossible for most companies, further emphasising why an MSSP offers unique benefits.

In addition, MSSPs have devoted staff to provide customized cybersecurity services to each business, ensure that they meet all regulatory and compliance needs and mitigate all top risks. Through tailoring cybersecurity services to the highest risks and compliance needs applicable to each business, MSSPs are able to leverage investment returns while tackling the most pressing risks and needs.

Services Provided by MSSPs

  • Breach Detection

Intrusion detection collects and examines information from different areas within a network to identify potential security contravention.

  • Security Monitoring

Intrusion warnings are collected, analysed and escalated in security monitoring services.

  • SIEM

It allows businesses to achieve complete awareness of the threat by monitoring and analyzing every activity that occurs on your network infrastructure.

  • Security inspections

Security inspection or audit is an evaluation of an organization’s system or application.


Cybercrime is growing at an astonishing rate, with even the largest organizations facing discrepancies in their security systems. Managed security service providers are able to minimize and manage these cybersecurity threats meanwhile providing multiple other benefits.

Image Credit: lightfieldstudios

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