Working at a startup can be fun, but it can be at the expense of work-life balance or career stability in the early stages of the company

Working with a startup is fun. It has the pressure you’re looking for. You can also wear many hats: You can be a content guy and be a marketer, too. You won’t have the HR breathing down your neck, and your boss will be chilled out about you arriving to work hungover as long as you can get your work done. You’d have Table-Tennis, Foosball, Snookers, Bean bags, sleeping pods, a gaming console and all everything else you ever wanted to have in your bachelor pad. You’d feel at home once you stepped into a startup environment.

They say that every dark cloud has a silver lining and in this context. I rephrase it as every silver lining has a dark cloud behind it. Here are five things nobody will ever tell you about working with a startup.

1. Ridiculous work hours

If you’re working in a startup and it’s still in its nascent stages, you’d spend most of your time working. You wouldn’t complain about it for the first few months, but only after is it too late that you realize it. It’s difficult to come in at 9 AM and leave at 6 PM at a startup, for, there is a chance that you would come off looking like the villain of the product.

2. Favoritism

It’s dominant in MNCs, and it exists in startups too. The first impression is the best impression and this kinda stays along. If you see that happening, you either live with it or you do something about it.


While working in a startup, your weekends are not yours. You end up working on Saturdays for attending meetings that will help your product grow. This reduces your personal time and has a strong chance to affect your work-life balance.

4. Stringent leave policy

Unlike MNCs, Startups don’t give their employees a lot of leaves. Personal leave, annual leave, and sick leave — they all mean the same here. While working with an MNC if you had 40-45 leaves a year, you’d be getting 12-15 leaves in a startup.

5. Instability

With a startup, you never know when the boat sinks. Startups often don’t follow a progressive path– their rise and fall are often affected by various factors. So, if you have a job offer from a Startup, know the company well before you accept it. Be straightforward and ask the recruiter how they are running the space and more questions in those lines. But, be polite. Ensure that you tell them why you think it’s essential for you to know all this as a potential future employee.

Also read: 5 reasons you should say “yes” to that startup job offer

Do you work at a startup, and can you relate with these five things about working at a startup that people don’t usually speak about?


Don’t let these dampen your spirits, however. If you have what it takes to take the waves head on, we are looking for you at BestpriceOn —  a price comparison website. We are looking for people like you.

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