To ensure you are being the best designer that you can be, you need to avoid common design mistakes. Here are six of the most common:

1. Worrying about what other people think

There’s no denying that it can be upsetting if someone says something negative about a design you have worked hard on, but try not to worry too much about what other people think. There isn’t a design out there that is going to be liked by everyone, so a small amount of criticism should always be expected. However, don’t let this hold you back from taking risks and trying new design techniques. If you want to create something new and original, you have to think outside of the box.

2. Not putting your phone down

Let’s face it, a lot of what we do happens on our smartphones. We shop, we socialise, we game and we stream. This often means that we spend too much time on our phones and not enough time working. When you find that you are spending more time on Facebook or Twitter than you are actually working, it’s time to put the phone down. It takes willpower, but it will mean that you’ll have a workday that’s much more productive.

3. Failing to believe in yourself

There is a tonne of design tips and tricks out there but a lot of design success comes from believing in yourself. With so many talented people out there, it’s easy to doubt yourself and to assume that your designs are not as good as others. Even if you continuously produce great work, there may be times when you struggle to believe in yourself. If this happens, you are not alone. Take the time to build up your confidence and notice what sets you apart from other designers.

Also Read: 7 core digital product design principles for start-ups

4. Not getting paid properly

There are a lot of problems that you can face as a freelance designer and one of them is not getting paid. A lot of designers are paid the incorrect amount, paid late or not paid at all. Though there is no way to guarantee that you will be paid in a seamless fashion, it is important to ensure that you are doing everything you can to avoid payment problems.

5. All work and no play

When you have a big project to finish or a new client to impress, it is very easy to fall into the habit of working too hard and working well into the night. Though you may think you are putting in a tonne of effort and doing your best, overworking yourself can be detrimental to the quality of your work. If you push yourself too hard and don’t take time for yourself, your productivity and creativity will eventually suffer.

6. Having an out of date portfolio

It doesn’t matter if you are just starting out as a new designer or you are a seasoned professional, you need to have an updated portfolio. There is no point in having a portfolio that showcases designs from a few years ago, as this is not relevant to new clients. By having a portfolio that is up to date, you can show off your work at a moment’s notice. So make sure you keep your portfolio up-to-date and it doesn’t matter if you’ve designed pull up banners, business cards or websites. Having a case study library that’s relevant and up to date is a powerful tool to persuade more clients to use your services.

A previous version of this article first appeared on nfinitiv.

Image Credit: Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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