The power of social media nowadays is incredibly useful when it comes to your business. You can easily reach and connect with like-minded people. 

Many users rely on social media for entertainment, building relationships and for useful information. Social media could really help your business grow; use these 6 tips to make sure your business is using social media effectively.

1. Always be consistent

If you haven’t known already, social media never sleeps – it’s an ongoing matter, 24 hours, 7 days a week; therefore it’s essential you keep consistency in mind. Start off by making a plan on what you are posting, how often you’re going to post and what’s the best time to post on social media, and stick with it.

Also read: A guide to wading through the organic reach demise on social media

You should ideally be posting at least 2 to 3 times a day, depending on your goals and your following. You can’t get away with posting 5 times a day to once a week – you will surely see a decrease in followers with no engagement.

2. Utilise Hashtags

When posting on pages like Instagram or Twitter; don’t forget to hashtag. Hashtags are a great way to reach like-minded people who are also using the same hashtag.

You can mix it up with generic and popular hashtags, but you should also include hashtags that are more specific to your niche. You can easily research this on Google, read hashtag guides or even on Instagram to figure out what hashtags you should be using.

3. Engage with Your Audience

Don’t just sit there, post content and expect to get it in return. Social media is a two-way street; you have to do the work to receive results back.

Not only should you be responding to comments on your page but another great way to approach this is to ask your customers to share their thoughts, questions, and ideas to get to know them better the next time you Tweet, or update your status. Open-ended questions definitely are a great start to see some conversation flowing.

4. Be personable and transparent

Social media is a great way to connect with your customers, so don’t be afraid to show some personality. It can get pretty boring just seeing generic “picture-perfect” posts daily; switch it up by showing behind-the-scenes shots or even just by responding to comments you receive on your page – this all just shows how approachable, genuine and trustworthy you are as a brand and can drive in more customers.

5. Make sure your content aligns with your message

Sit down and actually brainstorm and plan what content you will be posting – it’s absolutely necessary to make sure everything fits within your brand identity.

Also read: Growing traffic through social media marketing for small business owners

For instance, if you’re a small interior design brand, you might want to start posting content for not only the products you sell but also content related to interior design. It’s important to match your brand identity in order to achieve promoting what it is that you’re trying to say to the world.

6. Host facebook lives or utilise video

Video marketing is significantly becoming popular in recent years – it’s a way to connect with your audience in real-time. Many social media platforms include video now so it’s time to take full use of it.

Start by posting fun and personable videos on your Instagram stories or let your followers know about a Facebook Live you may be hosting related to your brand – such as a live interview or talking about interesting and educational topics. 

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Image Credit: S O C I A L . C U T

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