Welcome to the e27 Tea Talk, where we talk about everything in the startup ecosystem.

tactical efforts

Happy Monday, everyone! It’s the start of the week, and we need to get our energy going. My name is Christine, Account Manager in e27. I am very enthusiastic about Mondays, and promised myself to start my week right.

Last Tea Talk, we shared about the potential of startups and how they are affecting our daily lives to a huge extent.

Also read: [e27 Tea Talk]: Startups are going to run the world!


Today, let me share with you some tactical efforts to think about when you are starting up.

It is no surprise that owning a startup is both rewarding and challenging. There are many steps required for starting up and being successful won’t happen overnight. Consider these 6 tactical efforts when you are opening your doors to entrepreneurship.


1. Subscribe to newsletters and join relevant groups or forum

As a consumer, when we want a brand so much, one of the first few things we do is subscribe to newsletter to get updated with promotions, with new arrivals, with announcements. It is the same when you are starting your own business. The relevant groups and business news websites should be on top of your priorities to join because those will give you more information to learn about the industry.

Joining online groups can be a great way to interact, get some insights from other founders, or even potential customers. The key thing is to join the relevant ones to make use of your time wisely.


2. Start Marketing

Harness the power of social media and start engaging with your potential customers. As a startup, people will not even know you exist, and however good your product is, it will not reach your target customers if you don’t start getting the word out about you. It could be free, it could be paid, just as long as you make effort to market your product, it will return positive results.


3. Go out there and join events.

While the internet can provide a lot of engagements, entrepreneurs need to step away from their computers and look for opportunities at networking events or conferences. The opportunity to network and meet potential investors, customers, or mentors are often seen offline. The lasting and more direct way to market your product is to meet real people face-to-face and speak to them about your product. You’ll never know who you’ll meet at networking events or conferences.


4. Collaborate with other entrepreneurs

Collaboration is a great strategic marketing and advertising partnership. It allows both parties to be known to each other’s audiences, allowing an effective way to boost awareness and getting into new markets. It can boost new audience, reach, and eventually revenue for the company.


5. Join incubator and accelerator programs

Many successful startups take into consideration joining an incubator or accelerator programs to help grow their businesses. There are tough lessons to learn during the program, but startups would use those challenges to their advantage. Joining programs also mean they are able to pitch to potential investors and raise money to grow their business. The exposure and endless opportunity to get expert coaching is also apparent, where incubators or accelerators provide mentoring and guidance to entrepreneurs. Let us also not forget the resources and connections these programs can provide.


6. Take advantage of government assistance

We may not all know it, but government assistance for startups exists in a lot of countries. Whether it be a government grant or government events assisting entrepreneurs on training and mentorship, grab it. Government grants and assistance allow businesses to expand, and extend their resources.


As the startup world develops, entrepreneurs have to learn to grow, evolve, and adapt with it. There are many ways to get the flow going for your company, but the best way is to be open to more efforts, find what works for you. It takes a lot of experimentation, and efforts to get a business running. Keep hustling.


e27 Tea Talk is the column managed by e27 Business Development Team. We hope to see you join in on stimulating discussions and constructive feedback as we navigate through the startup journey together. 🙂

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