Your business customers can increase your sales in more than one way! By looking after your relationship with them, you may even turn them into ambassadors —  fervent supporters of your brand.

But do not dream! The process will be long and laborious (no arms, no chocolate). Sometimes you may even want to let go … But the game is worth the effort! In addition, I explain all the procedure to follow just below. All you have to do is get your hands dirty!

The concept

First of all, let’s take a look at the concept (stop being impatient like that). And yes, how much do you put your feet in, and what benefits will you get?

So. A client ambassador is a satisfied customer, happy to live a beautiful relationship with you, in love with your brand. He will, therefore, want to recommend it, to praise the merits of your products, etc. And this, everywhere around him, as soon as the opportunity arises: relatives, workmates, etc.

In case of a crisis, you can also count on them! A customer ambassador also takes advantage of the brand against potential detractors.


So, with all this, your company gains credibility, visibility, and optimises its conversion rate. Well, you did not know that prospects were looking at customer reviews before buying?

As a result, if customer ambassadors praise your brand on the web, you have a good chance of increasing your sales.

The concept is so beautiful and advantageous that I almost have tears in my eyes. So, what if I showed you how to get your customers to become ambassadors?

6 tips How to..?

As I told you, the process will not be easy. First, you need to offer your customers an extraordinary customer experience. In this way, you contribute to their loyalty. Then all you have to do is to encourage them (subtly, do not get drunk!) to become ambassadors. Well, there is work! So let’s start without further delay.

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1. Manage customer dissatisfaction

You have a problem: your package was not delivered on time. By mumbling in your beard, you contact the company. Oh, she responds instantly and with a smile. Friendly. Then, the technical team solves your problem and even offers you an exclusive advantage to apologise!

So, you leave with a smile. You may be even more grateful to the brand than if your package had arrived safely from the start. Because she showed you her know-how and consideration. As a result, there is a good chance that you will tell you’re a good experience to your loved ones.

To retain your customers and turn them into ambassadors, the first level is to address how you manage of your customer dissatisfaction.

2. Work on your brand identity

Why would a customer become an ambassador for your brand? Ok, he must be satisfied. But beyond that, your customers will be more inclined to “gain affection” for your brand if it has a strong identity (values, a strong personality etc.).

An identity to which they can identify — so you have to work on it if you want to build a real community of ambassadors around your brand!

For that, social networks are really essential! Above, you can play the humor card, communicate your values or the story of your business, whether big or small! It promotes attachment to your brand.

Otherwise, other, smaller companies play on the emotional connection to acquire ambassadors (in good faith). This is the case of Clochette & Cie (food and animal accessories). Often, the brand post photos of animals visiting their store. What a way to tend to all subscribers!

Gradually, these two brands thus establish a strong emotional connection with their customers, based on the sharing of common values or passions.

3. Keep connected via messaging and email

When a customer subscribes, do not just send a confirmation email — it is not enough! It is essential to maintain consistent contact.

You know, a relationship is like a flower. For a plant to flourish, it must be maintained (otherwise it wilts).

The good practice is to send regular personalised mailings to your customers (but not too much, you could be considered a spammer).

For example, communicate on upcoming promos, news of your company, the events you organise … This way, your customers do not forget you and learn more about you. It creates a connection, a link.

Your mailings can also be used to send exclusive benefits to your regular customers. Showing them special recognition could encourage them to communicate about you (and to reorder!).

So, do not hesitate to send them mailings based special offers, VIP access or gifts.

4. Set up a sponsorship system

Sponsorship is the ultimate weapon to build customer loyalty, and gently encourage them to talk to you about others (they do not even realise they’re ambassadors). Normally, in exchange, they receive benefits, such as free months, coupons, premium access, etc. They have everything to gain, and you do, too.

5. Open your doors to your customers

Meet them! In practice, it is quite rare, especially with large companies. As a result, they will have a better image of you and will be even more tempted to talk about their experience around them.

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6. Be transparent about your processes

The last tip to create customer ambassadors: to involve them in the life of your company so that they can judge your operation for themselves. Your customers see with their own eyes, that your products and processes are of high quality.

They will certainly want to recommend your brand! For example, Blédina (jars for babies) organises regular “parents” days. The goal? To help parents discover how their products are manufactured, to reassure them of the quality of the process.

In other words, the brand has managed to convert this mom into an ambassador. Simply (or almost) by proving to him that his products are of good quality.

To conclude …

If they are satisfied, your customers will naturally tend to talk to you about their loved ones. Nevertheless, a little help is sometimes needed to turn a satisfied customer into an ambassador client. And here is the jackpot!


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