Question: What company tag line do you feel is highly effective, and why?


Nike: Just Do It

“This is a very effective tag line and it has nothing to do with sneakers or athletic gear. ‘Just Do It’ is a state of mind that everyone can relate to — athletes, entrepreneurs, business owners and regular employees — as we all have goals and obstacles to conquer. In order to conquer those goals and obstacles, whatever they may be, you need to ‘Just Do It.’”

Market Domination Media®

Evernote: Remember Everything

“I love the simplicity of a two-word tag line. Evernote’s ‘Remember Everything’ is effective for me because not only do I get a clear sense of what they’re promising, but using the word ‘remember’ helps me actually remember! It’s amazing how something so simple can be so effective. It’s the true definition of ‘it was under our noses the entire time.’”


Geico: So Easy a Caveman Can Do It

“Geico’s caveman campaign and tag line was highly memorable. They took a very dry and boring product and used this tag line to communicate to potential customers that getting an insurance quote is quick, easy and simple. From grandpas to new drivers, this tag line makes people feel empowered to learn about how easy it is to get a new insurance policy. It’s fun, short and memorable!”


Target: Expect More Pay Less

“I like Target’s tag line because it’s concise and to-the-point. It is exactly what the customer wants to hear, and ideally what the average consumer desires — to expect more but to pay less. We created our tagline to reflect a similar idea (‘Events Made Easy’).”


Wrangler’s: Real. Comfortable. Jeans.

“I have seen this copied (or attempted to be copied) in many other potential tag lines. The symmetry of the words, with each one having its own meaning and leading into the whole message, is quite catchy and unique. Similar to Nike’s ‘Just Do It,’ it also lends itself to an advertising or branding campaign that can easily be assimilated.”

Assured Flow Solutions, LLC

Playstation: Live in Your World. Play in Ours.

“Playstation’s tagline is great because it perfectly captures what they do, and the essence of what video game aficionados crave in their video games — an escape into another world with different opportunities and challenges. It’s simple and inviting to potential users. It leaves the possibilities of what could happen in Playstation’s world open while at the same time drawing people in.”


Walmart: Save Money. Live Better.

“This line perfectly resonates with the company’s core. Walmart is historically known to be a cost effective place to shop, hence the message of ‘save money,’ which says just that. They also sell everything from groceries to apparel, toys to tech, pharmacy products to tire rotations. Hence, ‘live better’ applies to the fact that they have something for every part of your life.”


The Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is an invite-only organisation comprising the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, YEC recently launched BusinessCollective, a free virtual mentorship programme that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses.

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