From jotting notes, to ticking off tasks, to promoting happiness and well-being, these apps will help you get a creativity boost

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Entrepreneurs are expected to do it all. You have to come up with a brilliant idea, then put it into action. Oh, and you need to come up with capital. Then, you need to hire and manage finances, sales, marketing and more. This is all on top of managing your personal life — which, many entrepreneurs find they don’t have enough time to build.

All of that is enough to zap all your energy away, but, you need to continue coming up with great ideas. If business goes south, you have to figure out how to bring it back up again. Thank goodness for apps; they’re like having a concierge and coach all at your fingertips. Coming up with creative ideas takes time and energy. Instead, check out these apps to help improve your entrepreneurial creativity.


It’s critical to have positive feelings in order to convey positive results. If you’re depressed or unhappy, that will affect your business. When you’re happy, you can be more productive and efficient. As a result, you feel free to be more creative. In order to be happy, you need to focus on it. This app, or should we say “happ,” helps you do just that.


In order to come up with the next billion-dollar idea, you need your mental room to think. To get that space, you must de-clutter your mind. Todoist is the application that lets you focus only on necessary items.

It helps you to immediately get a checklist going. It also features categorization, reminders, due dates and more. It replications how your brain tackles problems, which, is what makes it invaluable. In addition, you’ll need this app to remind you to follow through on your yearly resolutions.


Some of our best ideas come about when we’re out living our lives. The unfortunate part is we usually forget them by the time we get home. Napkin won’t let you do that, since it is an app that will help you record your ideas and organise them into your business plans.

With Napkin, you can capture your most inspiring thoughts regardless of where you are. The business side comes in, as it also helps you to break your ideas down into an action plan. Moreover, you’ll need a place to store all of your great ideas.


Have you ever been inspired by an amazing photograph or piece of art? Instead of worrying about saving photos, literature and art–Pixave can do all of that for you.

Its in-app browser finds websites you like and saves them. In addition, it allows you to create dozens of folders, then use the app’s metadata tagging system for easy search.


You just can’t be all you can be when you aren’t feeling well. It is much more difficult to be creative when you’re hurting all over. To get the most out of your abilities, you have to be healthy. That can be difficult to do when you feel as if you have to work all day long just to be successful. You understand what it’s like to have your mind racing all night long.

Perhaps you get up several times a night just to check on the business. Maybe you sleep only a few hours per day because you believe that more time awake will give you and edge. If you can function on three or four hours of sleep, good for you. But, most people can’t function at their best with so few hours of sleep. Doctors recommend at least seven hours.

And, if you need a reminder–Gyroscope is the app to use. It tracks everything from the number of steps you’ve taken to how many hours you’ve slept. The best part is you can analyse the data to come up with a health and fitness plan that improves your live. And, with a more balanced lifestyle comes better creativity. Plus, you can always send your doctor your health data securely with this app.

The Name App

If you need to come up with a for your current business or a new one, you need the Name app. It truly is a lifesaver because you don’t even need to do any searches on your own. All you do is enter your name, and it will scour Facebook, Twitter and major domain hosts to let you know if your name is available. Imagine how much time you’ll save. Now you can focus on other areas of your business.


There are times when all it takes is a few questions to lead you to your desired result. Perhaps you have no idea what questions you should ask though. This is especially true if you feel stuck in a rut. Unstuck was designed to help you induce your creative mind.

It will ask you a series of seemingly random, but provocative questions in the category you feel is where your rut lies. After you enter your answers, the app will give suggestions to help you come up with a solution. The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over, and expecting a different result. It’s time to switch it up with Unstuck.

An entrepreneur needs to have business intelligence and an abundance of creativity. All new businesses are creative ventures that no one else had implemented yet. Thankfully, you’ll have the right apps to inspire and motivate you


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