Find out what they stand for and what it can mean for your business


Question: What is one interview question (or question format) you always use to distinguish A players from B and C players and why?

What’s the last thing you taught yourself how to do?

“‘A’ players are curious by nature and always want to learn new things. At a startup, this is one of the most valuable skills any employee can have. Test for it in interviews by asking candidates to name the last thing they taught themselves to do. Then, ask for details about how they learned the skill, what setbacks they encountered along the way, and how they would teach someone else to do it.”

– Brittany Hodak (@brittanyhodak), ZinePak

What’s a mistake you’ve made professionally?

“Everyone makes mistakes. If a candidate can’t or won’t admit to a mistake, they might be trying to hide something from you or aren’t willing to learn something from difficult situations. A candidate who can explain to you what the mistake was, how they rectified it, and what they learned from it should be an ‘A’ player.”

– Nicole Munoz (@nicolemunoz), Start Ranking Now

What do you stand for?

“‘C’ players tell me what I want to hear. ‘B’ players tell me what they know. ‘A’ players show me their character when answering this question. ‘A’ players speak the truth and do it with grace and love. They ask for help when they need it, take risks with their work, and are driven by a personal need to be brilliant at what they do. I’m not hiring your talent, I’m hiring YOU. Show me who you are.”

– Corey Blake (@CoreyBlake9000), Round Table Companies

Also Read: Decentralised apps are the world’s new information superhighway, an interview with Metaverse CEO Eric Gu

What makes you exceptional?

“We ask potential hires to show us how they stand out from the crowd. A ‘C’ player will usually bring in nothing, but will interview really well, while a ‘B’ player may bring one or two past presentations or examples. An ‘A’ player will bring in multiple documents, from internal to external examples to sell you on their potential! One of our ‘A’ players brought in four binders worth during an interview!”

– Kim Kaupe (@kimkaupe), ZinePak

What are your career goals?

“This is one of the first questions I ask because I want to make sure the position aligns with what they actually want to be doing in the long run. If the position they are interviewing for and their career goals are not aligned, they are not going to be an ‘A’ player for this particular position, regardless of whether they could be an ‘A’ player elsewhere.”

– Diana Goodwin (@dianamgoodwin), AquaMobile

What’s one way you outperformed your colleagues?

“For example, US$1 million in sales looks impressive on a resume, but if the average person in that role sells US$3 million, that tells a completely different story. In their own words, ask how they have outperformed colleagues and how they were able to achieve this. It’s one thing to be successful in a role, but it’s another to be self-aware of how you were able to do it.”

– Dustin Cavanaugh (@renewagenergy), RenewAge

Also Read: 2018 Taiwan-Israel Innotech Summit: Interview with LawGeex Marketing VP Shmuli Goldberg

What’s a challenging project you’ve tackled?

“A question that prompts an applicant to talk about a specific project, especially one they found particularly difficult, reveals a vulnerable side of their character. ‘A’ players will be humble and insightful about the limitations they encountered and still eager to challenge themselves in future opportunities. Listen to their response and ultimately, your gut and instinct will identify the winner.”

– Peggy Shell (@peggy_shell), Creative Alignments

What have you created from scratch?

“The best startup employees figure out a way to run through walls to get things done. ‘A’ players will have shown an aptitude for this, either at a previous job, a small project they’ve taken on, or a nonprofit they’ve helped build. The best indicator for future success is a track-record of previous impact.”

– Aaron Schwartz (@MosesofWatches), Passport

The Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is an invite-only organisation comprising the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, YEC recently launched BusinessCollective, a free virtual mentorship programme that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses.

Image Credit: Daniel McCullough on Unsplash

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