Reach and convert larger audiences in a short amount of time

One of the initial challenges any startup faces is to get the word out about their product and business. For startups to grow through years and sustain their business, it is essential to look into the growth strategies.

Startups have to face competition from firms of all sizes. It is ideal to come up with creative solutions to sustain yourself and seek growth in an environment that is highly competitive. Finding strategies to be able to reach and convert larger audiences in a short amount of time can lead to growth — not every plan for startup growth in the book works for every new business.

1. Identify your target customers

The product that you create must have a demand in the market. Study the market and the demographics where your products will work and sell. Create a strategy to reach your ideal audience who are likely to purchase your products or business services.

In the early stages of starting your business, it is essential to find out who your ideal customers are and promote your products to them. Study your promotional strategies and make any changes that are needed. Offer freebies as a part of growing the customer base because people love getting gifts.

2. Create exclusive products

The market is full of products that fulfill the requirements of the customers. Create a niche where there is no competition and use for customers. This is one of the easiest ways to grow as a startup. Create a unique selling proposition (USP) and credibility for your products that tell customers what benefits they get when they buy it from you.

Use social media, and update the content regularly to keep in touch with customers. Ensure that you create interactive and engaging content that brings likes and conversions for your products.

3. Develop a short term and long term business strategy

Define your business goals and make a checklist. Create a timeline and a plan to reach those goals. Explore newer markets and expand in those areas. Being able to tap into more modern markets can help you grow as a business speedily. Use referral and affiliate programs to promote your products and business. Always research regulations in various markets before you start expanding.

Also read: With these strategies to achieve growth through virality, you can accelerate traction like Facebook and other big brands

Most startups fail to look into the area of business law and land in trouble leading to failures.

4. Evaluate what your competitors do

Check out their products, pricing, strategies, and everything they do to make their business successful. Come up with a better plan and stay above the competition. Look at options that provide you better profitability and customer base compared to your competitors. One of the most straightforward strategies is to offer your products at a lower price compared to your competitors.

5. Hire a diverse team

One of the most common mistakes startups make is, they hire a team of like-minded people. Doing so cannot help them challenge their strengths and experience failures in areas where they need a person or a group of people from diverse background.

6. Do not dwell in correcting your weaknesses

Make a list of your strengths and focus on them. Doing this can help you utilise your time in better work and stay productive. When you enhance your strength and highlight them, your weaknesses will automatically diminish and will not interfere with your production levels.

7. Hire self-motivated people

There is a pool of talented people who lack discipline and self-motivation. For a start-up, you cannot invest your time and energy to providing motivation to your employees. It is essential to look for a bright talent who is self-motivated to do a good job. Look for skills and not perfection when hiring people for any job. Self-learners and self-motivated people help a startup stay productive.

8. Digital marketing helps in growth

The online space can be best utilised by startups to promote their products for free/paid and reach a broader audience and demographics in the shortest amount of time. Umpteen digital tools available online can be used to get started with promoting your business online. Startups can come up with tailor-made digital marketing strategies to convert customers and grow sales through the online space.


These are simple strategies that startups can use to sustain their growth in the long run. You do not need to huge capital to start growing like a startup. Making use of available resources and making right decisions is what helps startups grow and sustain their growth.


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