With 5 Fun Facts, we will showcase the person behind the personality, as we interview different startup founders and executives and get them to show their lighter side

5 Fun Facts ShopBack

Today we are featuring Josephine K. Chow, Country Head of ShopBack Singapore. Overseeing a team of 10, Josephine sets the direction for all eight departments to ensure the smooth operation and consistent growth of ShopBack Singapore. This September, she and her team broke the sales record with their 9.9 Cashback Day in celebration of ShopBack’s second anniversary.

Here are Josephine’s answers to our five lighthearted questions.

What is one thing that is definitely on your bucket list?

Living in Japan for at least a year.

What is the oldest gadget you have that is still working?

Probably the Motorola RAZR V3 … in pink too! It’s somewhere in the storage room, but last I checked a few months ago, it works!

What’s your favourite movie of all time and why?

I don’t have a favourite movie, but can I say Game of Thrones? LOL.

Usually not a fan of fantasy or TV shows but GoT managed to toy with my emotions far too much by getting me attached to a certain character, and discarding him/her soon after. It’s the conversations, the way each character strategises and reacts so believably that makes the show so addictive.

Which fiction book has influenced you most and why?

Pride and Prejudice. It was one of the most memorable books I read when I was younger. I loved the soft satirical language used, and the way the book was accurate in expressing human ignorance in some of the characters. The way it poked fun at societal flaws made me a lot more curious about existing ones, I guess.

If you could travel back in time, where would you like to go, or who would you like to meet?

There’s nothing I’d change to be honest. So if I had to go back in time, I’d go back to a happy place where I could experience it all over again.


Thanks, Josephine, for sharing those 5 Fun Facts!

Hey, e27 Community, which startup founder or executive would you like us to feature next? Sound off in the comments!

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