Workcations can be crucial for company bonding, but also are a headache for managers to organise. No-location wants to change that


For those paying attention it is clear: the world has changed.

The change is not necessarily a replacement of one life for another, it is more about the way we do things or how things are put together.

We used to get set up by friends, go to church, or hit the bar to find love  —  now we use the app of choice. We used to have to flag down a cab and fight over the fare, now we order a ride from our phones and the fare is automatic.

We used to have a large desk full of staplers, papers, pens, pencils, stamps, envelopes, framed pictures of our kids, a typewriter; now we have a laptop and a smartphone. Offices are becoming abandoned buildings and cafes are becoming offices.

Changes are quick, passing through our open fingers as quickly as sand or the latest version of Windows. Luckily, we can all be thankful that one part of life seeing the biggest change is work.

Many people are familiar with the rise of digital nomadism. People from all over the world are able to work from a computer and have no need a physical location  —  this has resulted in a new class of work, called remote work, where people are choosing either to work from home or to travel and use the globe as their workplace.

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On the spectrum of location independence is traditional work (in an office, 40 hours a week, with 2 weeks vacation during the year) as an extreme on one side then digital nomadism (with complete location independence year-round) would represent the polar opposite. So surely there must be a middle ground right?

There is, and slowly it’s materializing and making itself known. Location independence is quickly becoming available to everyone in the world and it does not at the individual level, it’s at the company level and it is called ‘Workcation’.

A workcation allows these kinds of companies to be location independent and together, taking a certain amount of time during the year to move everyone to another location where they work like normal (work) but live in an exotic environment where everyone can be adventurous together (vacation).

Bali is the workcation destination

This paradise is the island of Bali, a long-time digital nomad favorite and also the home of one-stop workcation miracle worke, No-Location.

At the time of this writing, to best of the author’s knowledge, the largest and longest workcation in history happened in Bali, undertaken by a Polish software development company called Droids on Roids and it was facilitated by a Bali-born startup called No-Location.

Bali has been visited by digital nomads for over a decade and because of this the island is uniquely set up to accommodate remote work and location independent culture.

The internet is stable, reliable, and up to date. The accommodation is affordable, beautiful, and top notch. The locals are lovely, and the entire island is pure magic.

The startup wants to make it as easy as possible to set up a workaction on the tropical island — offering pre-built workation packages or á la carte options depending on what the company needs. No-location helps with the logistics, connections and hospitalities to make sure planning the workation isn’t stressful (which isn’t really the point of a workation).

Bali is more than a pretty island —  it is a place of health and abundance . It is a place where one can write an article drinking artisan coffee grown on the nearest mountain while looking at the ocean and taking writing breaks that consist of surfing and barbecue.

It’s where a company comes to learn what can become of us.

Why take a workcation?

Since the publication of Tim Ferriss’s The 4-hour Work-Week the world has exploded in its love for digital nomadism and its desire for adventure.

In fact, digital nomadism and remote work are just subclasses of the modern working environment called ‘location independence’.

Companies in the last couple of decades found themselves in pickle  —  either remain a traditional ‘rooted to the ground’ company or become ‘distributed’ companies composed of remote workers.

Not every company is going to be able to be distributed or even wants to be distributed. In fact, some rely on the team being present together or find that physical togetherness is essential to achieving quality.

Traditional companies had better cohesion among team members who saw each other in person but started having difficulty finding new talent to work with them and also retaining those among them who longed for location independence.

The work was quality but the workers wanted that ‘special something’. So taking a page from the location independence book that distributed companies used, traditional companies discovered a solution  —  the workcation.

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Workcations are still fairly new, and until recently most companies deciding to engage in a workcation had to use their own time and resources to make it happen — it was not efficient, but it was effective.

No-location helps by boosting the efficiency of organising a workation, and in doing so makes this new style of ‘team building’ more efficient for the company.

Workations can be one of those perks that make or break hiring top talent, and in Southeast Asia, we have No-location, a startup that is making this benefit more achievable to the average company.

Copyright: starkovphoto / 123RF Stock Photo

This article was published in Medium by the author.

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