Focus on effectivity, even if it is at the cost of efficiency

Think long-term, but be agile enough to adjust when needed.

Think long-term, but be agile enough to adjust when needed.

This is what I shared with budding entrepreneurs at a startup summit earlier this year. I hope it will be relevant to up-and-coming founders and entrepreneurs, as well.

I’ll keep it short, simple, and sweet:

  1. One should be an entrepreneur ONLY if one just cannot not do this.
  2. There has to be no exit strategy, no plan B.
  3. Focus on sales progress and building strengths; Everything else is vanity.
  4. Simplification, speed (agility), sustainability and scalability are no longer choices but imperatives.
  5. Ensure standalone self-sustainability despite, and not because of, governmental support.
  6. Ask yourself, “What is your unfair share in growth?” Then figure out, “Whose game you are set to change?”
  7. Uncertainty is here to stay; Don’t dismiss or bet on it.
  8. The external landscape is set to change and transform. Are you part of this transformation? Build/find the bridge of external networks. Pivot around outside world to nurture external resilience. Invest yourself more outside than inside.
  9. Cut through the fog, and bet for next 20 years. Spot the trends and their convergence before others by using multiple lenses, and balancing short/long term goals/objectives/priorities. Then allocate your resources accordingly.
  10. Productivity is passé, it is ‘predicitivity’ that matters now. Focus on effectivity, even if it is at the cost of efficiency.

Also Read: Serious business advice you should heed before you hit 30


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