“It was amazing to see the interaction between startups, investors and public attendees and I am happy to have had the chance to do networking at Echelon”

Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) hosted a group of Hong Kong students and staff from Centennial College for an immersion programme in Singapore, where they were exposed to the local startup scene with a focus on social entrepreneurship.

At the end of the entire immersion programme, we conducted a review session with the Hong Kong students about their experience and insights gained from the programme. Several cited Echelon as one of the highlights of the trip – calling it an “eye-opening”, “empowering” and “insightful” experience. Being at an event that gathered an exciting line-up of start-ups, investors, corporates, public organisations and tech-ecosystem players was a first for most of the students and staff.

They were also especially impressed by the final pitch that featured some of the most promising startups in Asia. One student shared that seeing the startups battle out for the Echelon Most Promising Startup Award and watching presenters perform under pressure to answer grilling questions in front of the panel of judges was her favourite segment of the event.

Below are written feedbacks from the students:

“(The talks at) Echelon made a deep dive into topics ranging from Blockchain to AV/VR, from exit strategies to market access. We can learn from the people who have done it and lived to tell the tale. This has enhanced our sense of awareness and widened our horizons from general marketing and fundamental ideas to new technological and eco-business start-ups.”

“It was amazing to see the interaction between startups, investors and public attendees and I am happy to have (had) the chance to do networking at Echelon. At Echelon, I was also truly able to understand the huge potential of the Southeast Asian market that people always speak about thanks to the informative presentations and panel discussions by the experienced speakers. There seems to be so many exciting opportunities here in Southeast Asia and I am looking forward to seeing more and more developments in this region.”

“I enjoyed the entire conference thoroughly, especially talks about building the startup ecosystem from scratch in Thailand and Myanmar. It’s amazing to hear how they made full use of the minimal resources they had to achieve their successful growth and expansion in such a short amount of time. As someone working in the education sector, it prompted me to reflect and consider what I can do to provide a better system of support for students who are aspiring to build their own startups.”

All in all, Echelon was a memorable experience for the group that tied in seamlessly into the objective of their immersion trip to Singapore and they look forward to having Echelon in Hong Kong soon!


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