How you design your pitch deck gives investors an insight into how you plan on building your business


Creating a good pitch deck is hard, creating a great pitch deck is even harder.

Investors look through applications from startups: a lot of them are great, some of them…not so much. Why?

One of the main reasons is that the pitch deck is incorrect or incomplete.

Here are a few hints and guidelines on what is expected from a pitch deck. That way, you can increase your chances of leaving a lasting impression.

By the end of the pitch deck, the following questions will be answered:

  • 1.   Why you?
  • 2.   Why this?
  • 3.   Why now?

We often see simple mistakes, such as missing information, overcrowded slides, a lack of research, confusing or contradictory statements, typos, etc.

Also Read: How to impress with your startup pitch

Take extra care to avoid these blunders, please! This will help us and especially you!

How can you avoid this?

Do your research and create a sound structure for your pitch deck.

Take the investors on a journey.
Show them all the aspects of your company that they want to and should know about.

A great place to start is to include the following dimensions and answer the following sample questions:

  • 1.   Problem  What problem are you addressing?
  • 2.   Solution  What solution do you offer?
  • 3.   Product  What is your product?
  • 4.   Vision  What’s your vision today, in a year, in five years?
  • 5.   Market size  How big is your (addressable) market?
  • 6.   Competition  Who are your competitors (direct and indirect)?
  • 7.   Business Model  How does your business work? How do you plan to make money?
  • 8.    Status and roadmap  Where are you today? What key milestones do you want to achieve in the next 12 months?
  • 9.    Team  Who are you? Why are you the right team to build this?

Last but not least, the pitch deck design matters.

It is not expected from you to have your corporate identity completely figured out – or even having a simple logo.

However, you must prove to the investors that you have a good feel of the business. After all, an image is worth a thousand words.

Also Read: Pro pitch deck tips for beginners

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Image Credit: Campaign Creators 


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