As data science is reaching newer heights every day, so is the number of security threats to data

Experts observe that in the future, data threats might reach such complexities that are very difficult to control. And to counter that, adequate technological advancements are needed for a breakthrough.

Data security experts and data scientists have charted out numerous predictions about data security by the year 2020. Here, let us take a look at the top 10 predictions that Gartner has published as part of their Strategic Planning Assumptions (SPA).

1. By 2020, about one-third of the data breaches would be approaching from shadow IT personnel of enterprises.

Often companies tend to offer less focus on building a culture of acceptance and protection to their shadow resources.

But to curb the data breaches, companies should be on the constant lookout for creating policies that help them accomplish their tasks by detection and protection rather than punishment.

2. Another forecast says that about 99 per cent of threats to data security would spring from underlying vulnerabilities already known to the enterprise and its workforce.

The first step would be to fix the vulnerabilities already known to the professionals. But most of these vulnerabilities go unnoticed and thus little, or no initiatives are taken to solve them.

If they are solved at the preliminary level when they are identified, the cost payable by the company is quite less, and the risks are much lower.

3. Since 2018, the demand for preventing organisations from data breaches has gone up. As a result, about 20 per cent of organisations have taken initiatives to form data security governance programs.

Although the foundation has been laid to bridge the security gap, it is not enough to stay strong for the storm coming ahead.

By identifying data security policy gaps, enterprises should develop data security governance programs. For this, they might require the aid of cyber insurance, and thus, they should not hesitate from seeking the same.

4. From 2018, it has been found that the number of organisations applying leverage native mobile containment has been raised to about 60 per cent from just 20 per cent. Before that, most enterprises were dealing with third –party options.

To keep up with the trend, the aim of an ideal organisation would be to experiment and familiarise their organisation with native containment solutions. While organisations with average security needs do not see this to be necessary, they should gradually make their way to the native containment solutions.

5. About 40 per cent of the organisations dealing with DevOps will purchase developed applications.

These applications would be developed by integrating the applications of self-testing, self-protection and self-diagnosing technologies.

To be ready for this upcoming trend, organisations engaged in DevOps should adopt runtime application self-protection, also known as RASP, available for DevOps.

Also Read: The cloud has moved mountains, but always keep an eye out for security

But this alone would not be sufficient; companies should already start evaluating less mature providers for potential security options. This turns out to be absolutely necessary to strengthen the data security system of enterprises.

6. Cloud-based access security brokers or CASBs should take note because, by 2020, 80 per cent of new deals will collaborate with a truckload of security features.

These security firewalls include secure web gateway, web application firewall, and network firewall.

While there are pending issues concerning customer migration to the cloud processes, companies should invest time and capital in decoding the application development roadmap.

This would help them in understanding whether they truly require the assistance of the CASB investment. This would not only help them to stay geared up for future data breaches, but it would also help them decide whether their data security system is in need of CASB.

7. By the end of 2018, almost 50 per cent of companies with businesses dealing with IoT device manufacturing would not be able to identify and tackle threats stemming from weak authentication practices.

Formation of new threats and enhancement of the old ones are directly dependent on the changing of existing IoT architecture of enterprises.

Now companies, to combat these risks, should employ metrics which would start their job by detecting identify risks and establishing identity assurance requirements.

8. Due to the introduction of recognition technologies, the usage of passwords in cases causing medium-cases would drop by at least 50 per cent

Passwords are way too involved in the roots of businesses, and that is the reason that they cannot just disappear suddenly.

But the sole motive of companies should be to develop products which would lead to a trustworthy work environment powered by decent user experience. The best way to do this is to go for vendors providing biometric and analytic capabilities and not just password protections.

9. As 2020 comes to an end, about 25 per cent of attacks on enterprises which can be identified would mostly revolve around IoT.

But IoT would only be the root cause of 10 per cent of security budgets.

As IOT usage grows, vendors will favour usability over security and IT security practitioners would be at a dilemma regarding the amount of risk involved.

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But to handle this like a pro, companies should begin to vulnerable IoT devices to target the selected areas of the security budget, which would help them to handle the IoT risks.

10. Till the end of 2019, about 40 per cent of Identity as a Service application (IDaaS) will begin to replace the implementations of the on-premises identity and access management (IAM).

While most of the limitations of IDaaS have reduced considerably, it would turn out to be most favourable for small-scale companies.

The policies of companies should be such so that they can adapt to the current limitations and benefits offered by the usage of IAM.

If user data is not secured, it can lead to devastating consequences for enterprises all over the world.

Data scientists are therefore trying to come up with dynamic solutions from such predictions put forward by experts.

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Image Credit:   Daniil Peshkov

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