Thrive Global is a behaviour change media and tech firm helping individuals, companies and communities improve their well-being and performance

Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington

Thrive Global, a well-being and productivity startup founded by well-known American business woman Arianna Huffington, has launched operations in India.

This is the company’s first international expansion.

As part of this, Thrive Global will work with prominent investment firm Times Bridge to develop new well-being modules combining successful international practices with traditions and learnings from India.

Launched in New York in November 2016, Thrive Global is a behaviour change media and technology company helping individuals, companies and communities improve their well-being and performance, using science-based solutions.

Thrive Global’s approach to well-being is focused on the whole human, including physical, mental, emotional, and psychological health, as well as our relationship with technology. Unlike many well-being programs focused on treating symptoms like weight management, smoking cessation and diabetes, Thrive Global’s interventions are targeted upstream, on the true root causes of burnout and these stress-related conditions.

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For corporates, the company provides live and digital workshops, e-courses and behaviour change products, organisational assessments, and internal and external marketing.

The startup’s product suite includes science-based pathways, journeys and Microsteps; an app that helps people create a healthier relationship with technology by making it easy to take a break from their phones; and ThriveAway, a vacation e-mail tool that automatically deletes or archives new emails while they are away — letting senders know when they will be back so they can resend, and allowing them to unplug and recharge while away.

Microsteps — small, science-backed and actionable changes you can incorporate into your daily life right away – support and reinforce all of Thrive’s trainings, content and digital tools.

The company has already worked with several big corporate clients, including Accenture, JPMorgan, SAP, Nestle, Hilton, Safaricom, Samsung and Alibaba.

“India’s ancient wisdom and spiritual traditions are now at the centre of a global conversation about what it means to live a good life. And the truth and power of India’s centuries-old traditions are being increasingly and conclusively validated by modern science. What these studies show about the connection between well-being and performance is enough to convince even the most skeptical and secular societies to embrace the knowledge embedded in Indian culture for centuries: the power of meditation, yoga, contemplation and compassion to change our lives and our world,” said Huffington.

Times Bridge — backed by media behemoth Times Group — brings the world’s best ideas to India. Its current investment portfolio includes Airbnb, Coursera, Houzz, Thrive, Uber, Vice and others. Times Bridge is backed by Bennett Coleman and The Times Group.

Huffington is a serial entrepreneur and founder of Huffington Post. She has also authored 15 books, including Thrive and The Sleep Revolution. She first came to India at the age of 17 to study comparative religion at Shantiniketan University outside Calcutta.


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