In addition, Alchemy Foodtech, FIB-SOL Life, PureSpace, and Shenzhen Qianhai Xiaozao have been selected as winners of US$37,000 grants by Enterprise Singapore


OneCorp receives the Future Food Asia Awards 2018

Australia-based OneCrop has bagged the Future Food Asia Award (FFAA), a pan-Asia Pacific competition aimed to recognise leading agri-tech and foodtech startups that are creating solutions to address the growing challenges in the food industry.

Brighton-headquartered startup, whose solution increases crop yields and tackles the issue of plastic waste in agriculture through a unique degradable mulch film, will also take home the US$100,000 reward.

In addition, Enterprise Singapore, in consultation with the FFAA judging panel, has selected four startups — Alchemy Foodtech, FIB-SOL Life Technologies, PureSpace, and Shenzhen Qianhai Xiaozao Technology — as winners of its S$50,000 (US$37,000) grants.

Also Read: Meet the 10 startup finalists competing for Future Food Asia’s US$100K prize

“The Future Food Asia Award stage provides a voice to the agritech and foodtech startups in Asia Pacific. The diversity in the problems being addressed and the origin of these solutions presented today reaffirm the need for a regional platform for this budding innovation ecosystem. As our community of like-minded investors and partners expands, we work towards having more impact over the years to come,” Isabelle Decitre, Founder and CEO of ID Capital, the lead organizer of Future Food Asia Award.

Here are a brief bio of the winners:


Founded by Logan, OneCrop provides a technologically advanced yet cost-effective film that stores soil moisture, increases soil temperature and drives vigorous early germination and plant growth, allowing commercial farmers around the world to significantly boost their productivity with no impact on the environment.

Alchemy Foodtech (Singapore)

Alchemy Foodtech is a deep technology startup that aim to stop the global diabetes epidemic by lowering blood glucose spikes of everyday carbohydrate staples such as refined jasmine white rice, white bread, noodles etc. with their patent pending ingredient innovations that has been clinically proven.

FIBSOL Life Technologies (India)

The expansion of organic farming is handicapped by the lack of stable and consistent agricultural inputs, in particular biofertilisers. FIBSOL has developed a patented nanofiber platform technology to provide light-weight, consistent and stable biofertilisers. The technology enables delivery of a high payload of active ingredients in a stable form, thereby reducing the bulkiness and increasing the efficiency of biofertilizers. Along with logistics savings, it helps improve the yield and environmental footprint of farming.

PureSpace (Korea)

PureSpace’s solution applies to fresh produce all along the cold chain and increases their shelf life, thus reducing post-harvest losses. It has developed a proprietary nano-catalyst technology to completely decompose ethylene gas and airborne bacteria effectively and safely. Thanks to their handy portable device, the solution can be deployed at multiple points of the supply chain.

Shenzhen Qianhai Xiaozao Technology (China)

Shenzhen Qianhai Xiaozao Technology homes in on the mass cultivation of natural microalgae Nannochloropsis and scale production of its derivative such as EPA (Omega-3) products. They have invented proprietary technologies and know-hows in process including strain selection and development, cultivation, harvesting and downstream processing which allows them to be the first company in the world to deliver a line of EPA products with commercial scalability and economic viability. Microalgal derivatives such as EPA products are vegan, heavy metal free, superiorly bioavailable in GI tracts over fish oils and eco-friendly.

Future Food Asia Award recognises and rewards entrepreneurs from Asia Pacific who are building disruptive and sustainable innovations to tackle the inefficiencies and scarcities in our agrifood value chain. The event brings together under one roof investors, entrepreneurs, corporate executives, government officials and general sustainability enthusiasts from across the globe.

This year, the competition received a record number of applications from 19 different countries in Asia Pacific, and a 30 per cent rise in total applications compared to last year.

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