We at e27 know we put forth a professional product every day. The next step is to open our mouths a little bit

It is kind of a funny quirk of my day-job. I spend so much time receiving updates from companies (and the performing the requisite follow-ups) that it can be difficult to update our readers about what WE are doing.

It’s like that phrase: “Honey, you have to love yourself before you can love someone else”. So let’s get some of that self-love mmmmkay?

Right now, life is all about Echelon (the best tech conference in Southeast Asia).

We have our Senior Writer, Yon Heong Tung and our CEO, Mohan Belani, teaming up to organise our speakers and content for the summit.

Our superstar programmes team are travelling all around Asia finding the best startups and bringing people from India to Korea to hang out with the ecosystem.

The BD team is straight hustlin’. If you haven’t noticed, I stopped writing about Grab. The reason is because I upgraded my MoBike to an Aston Martin Vantage thanks to our sales gurus.

Our marketing team tolerates me so I am always grateful and we are on the lookout for young helping hands who want to get hands-on experience in the events industry.

As the company ramps up for Echelon, you can see me on the sidelines coming up with new victory celebrations, fetching water and occasionally grabbing fresh towels.

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If you have any questions about Echelon, don’t hesitate to reach out and I will promptly forward you to the correct person.

But in terms of content, here is what you can expect.

What the rest of Q2 will look like for content team

First and foremost: Invite us to you event!

Every person on the team attends one event per week but we are always looking for interesting gatherings. Plus, when you’re in the industry long enough, it’s a good way to bump into friends and catch up on the latest happenings without putting forth a ton of effort.

Besides that we are trying to open our mouth more. The team has self confidence, we know we put forth a professional product every day, but the next few months will be focussed on telling people about it. See this article as Example A.

For example, when we started to focus on marketing last week, we didn’t really know where to start. So, we built a survey. The goal behind this is to understand our gaps, and then address them in the coming months. Let’s actually figure out the holes so we aren’t wasting time. (By the way, there are still a few more days left, so click that sexy little link).

Finally, we will continue to cover the blockchain with fervour because of our belief that in five years, this technology could look a lot like cloud computing does in 2018.

From a journalist’s perspective, it’s a fascinating topic. Some people view the whole thing as a scam, others think it will revolutionise the internet. The truth is certainly somewhere in the middle.

But there are also A LOT of problems. For some reason, this particular brand of technology has attracted people prone to swindles, deceptions and very real criminality. It’s a problem, and even most fervent blockchain supporters would acknowledge it’s significantly hurting the technology’s future (if they don’t, then walk away from the conversation).

From our perspective, that makes covering the scene fascinating.

Personally, I believe in blockchain. I see how it makes sense in some situations. But I also don’t really think it is going to change the world in the same way as the internet did over the past 30 years. I don’t own cryptocurrencies and I probably won’t for at least a few years.

The bitcoin explosion of 2017 was a true bubble, but the industry is not about to collapse. Actually, where it is today is probably a healthy place. Bitcoin’s price is hovering around the US$8,000 range, ICOs are only coming once a week and companies are deciding they don’t HAVE to integrate blockchain into their tech.

It’s a good spot.

Also Read: We want to hear from you! Take the 2-minute e27 survey to help us improve

So there you have it. Come hang out with us at Echelon, read a book about blockchain and if you’re trying to figure out how to accomplish a new task, visit the library.

Have a good Monday startup peeps!

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