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Why the e27 Webinar on how to manage a remote team is all you need right now

  The world is undergoing a big shift. While optimists claim this is earth’s rest time, we all can’t just shut shop and stay put. The show must go on…and most of us are compelled to grapple with the new work-from-home (WFH) diktat. Luckily, for the content team at e27, it is business as usual since […]

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News Roundup: honestbee sues ex-CEO Joel Sng for questionable transactions

honestbee sues its ex-CEO and ex-Director for fiduciary duties breach Embattled grocery delivery startup honestbee has sought legal action against its former CEO Joel Sng and former Director Jeffrey Wong for breach of fiduciary duties. Since their departures, honestbee said it has been investigating various transactions done by the company while Sng was CEO and Wong was […]

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Why there is no better time to upskill than this COVID-19 crisis

If you are wondering when the time is to start upskilling your workforce, the answer is not today, not tomorrow, not even yesterday … You should have started at least three years ago! For too long, organisations have resisted change and dismissed digital transformation as a hype. Now these same organisations are playing catch-up and […]

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How the Coronavirus is teaching edutech startups a much-needed lesson

The recent COVID-19 outbreak has exposed one of the most integral elements of modern society – the schooling system. UNESCO reports that at least 290.5 million students’ educations have been thrown into disarray due to the outbreak. Parties most vulnerable to this shock would be those suffering from inadequate schooling systems in the first place […]

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Looking back at Zoom’s ascent a year after it filed to go public

Zoom, a video chat service then popular with corporations, filed to go public on March 22, 2019. Best known in venture and corporate circles, Zoom was far from a household name at the time. However, the groundwork for its 2020-era consumer breakthrough during the novel coronavirus epidemic was detailed during its IPO march in the […]

Swiss startup Creal is building display tech for the next generation of AR/VR headsets

After years of hype, the AR/VR space has certainly grown quieter as of late, but some investors are still coalescing behind a vision that the technologies could one day replace mobile if the technical kinks can be worked out. Creal is a Swiss startup that’s working on some fundamental display technologies that could make VR […]