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Born into poverty in rural China, this guy made an app that gives free WiFi, got 800M users and raised US$52M

Chen Danian was driven by the desire to help everyone — and anyone — to achieve self-actualisation by granting them access to free Internet It is sometimes said that growing up with less can provide an individual tremendous impulsion to succeed; to elevate him or herself to a higher standing in society. Growing up humble...

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The 3 biggest challenges faced by fashion and beauty startups

It is important to implement strategy to differentiate from other startups Having a significant amount of followers in social media platforms turns out to be insufficient to sustain business for startups providing fashion and beauty products. For promotional and branding purposes, the number of social media followers may help introduce the company to the public’s...

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Shine Theory: LadyMafia is bringing a female-focussed networking event to Malaysia

Fighting back against competitiveness amongst females in the business world, LadyMafia believes women should actively befriend powerful peers In the age of Instagram and social media, we often compete with each other, and subconsciously race for the ‘perfect life’ – but in doing so we have lost a fundamental truth —’we shine more brightly together’...

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The trick to nailing a flexible work environment

Flexibility isn’t as simple as having a remote work policy. The key is balancing the needs of everybody’s work preferences Business is undergoing rapid changes due to several different factors. Technological advancement and globalisation are changing the way we do business, as are the changing values of the millennial generation. Over the last couple of years,...

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This education startup wants to help Chinese people avoid Chinglish

One problem is the national exam is focussed on reading and writing english, so many people in China do not get a chance to practice conversations The next time you hear a native Chinese speaker call themselves a ‘homeboy’ in English, don’t assume that they’re trying to be cool. “Homeboy is Chinglish for zhainan,” explains Zoe...

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Life is Tech! launches MOZER and wins EdtechXGlobal Growth award

Life is Tech! is the first Asian company to be named as a winner Life is Tech!, a provider of coding education for middle- and high-schoolers, has recently announced its launch of MOZER, its brand new online coding platform, at EdTechXEurope 2016 in Europe. The company has also won the EdtechXGlobal Growth award, making it the first Asian...

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