From Online payment to eCommerce

The 7 deadly sins of startups

Hopefully, this list will help you and your company stay out of startup purgatory.

YC-backed Giveaway is a peer-to-peer marketplace that uses virtual currency

YC-backed Giveaway lets folks give away their unused or unnecessary items in a marketplace. Unlike other buy and sell or donation platforms, Giveaway uses a virtual currency on the platform to reward people for listing their products for free on the app. Users earn Karma coins each time they list an item on the website. […]

Deep North raises $25.7M for AI that uses CCTV to build retail analytics

Amazon and others have raised awareness of how the in-store shopping experience can be sped up (and into the future) using computer vision to let a person pay for and take away items without ever interacting with a cashier, human or otherwise. Today, a startup is announcing funding for its own take on how to […]

Uber and Lyft plunge, erasing recent gains after promising profits

Let's run through each company's most recent profit forecasts, results, share price gains and losses, and what investors are telling the world through their recent selloff.

YC-backed Legionfarm lets competitive gamers pay to play with pro coaches

Legionfarm, a YC-backed company, is looking to bring coaches to the competitive gaming world. Esports teams at the very top often have coaches, but the rest of the massive competitive gaming scene has to find a way to improve on their own, either via sheer time played or with creative new training platforms. There is […]

Men’s at-home health startup Vault takes in $30 million from Tiger Global

Vault, an at-home healthcare practice specializing men’s medicine has announced the raise of $30 million in funding from Tiger Capital Group, Declaration Capital and Redesign Health to reach more potential patients and expand to more areas beyond New York, Florida, Tennessee and Texas, where it currently offers treatments. Founder and CEO Jason Feldman, who formerly […]