For HAULIO, tackling a complex industry requires industry understanding and a winning team.

Haulio team

On a global scale, the rise of startup communities all over the world has opened doors to career opportunities beyond the typical corporate route. Startups are steadily growing both in population and reach, getting into more industries and changing the game with innovative solutions.

This is especially true for the logistics and supply chain industry, which is central to numerous other industries – all of which are innovating at an accelerating pace.

The startups operating within this massive industry face equally massive challenges, as most of its processes were put in place when the technology available was not as advanced as it is today. That is exactly what makes it an exciting industry for startups, because while there is wisdom to that popular adage of not fixing what’s not broken, what’s not broken might not always measure up to the demands.

HAULIO is one such startup looking to make an impact, with an ambitious team and big plans to shake up the industry.

According to Alvin Ea, co-Founder & CEO of HAULIO, the logistics, supply chain, and shipping industry “[has] always been seen as an important part of any country’s GDP, but yet less appreciated and valued in comparison to other industries”. Because most of its operations are hidden from the general public, most remain unaware of the multitude of interesting problems within that can benefit from innovation.

Also read: Challenging existing fundamentals in logistics and supply chain

HAULIO in particular aims to evolve the logistics industry by creating an ecosystem that strategically delivers haulage services while optimising resources, ensuring savings on both cost and time.

“The main purpose is to help hauliers understand that while competition is natural, we can grow as an industry as well, and everyone can benefit if we start helping each other instead.”

Since their launch in May 2017, HAULIO has shown tremendous growth and potential even as they navigate through a stubbornly traditional industry.


A lean, mean, fighting machine of a team

A large part of HAULIO’s steady growth is having a deep understanding of how the industry works and building a team that can stand up to its demands.

One needs to understand that the logistics and supply chain industry, while slow on the uptake of innovation, is one that is fast-paced; people are oftentimes required to make sound decisions in high pressure environments. Everyone working within the industry – whether within a startup or not – must constantly anticipate possible situations that could arise. Failure to handle issues well may result in longer logistical hours.

That is exactly the kind of team that HAULIO has built and is continuing to build. Their current successes can be attributed to their lean team of eight, consisting of individuals that are highly adaptable to different situations, willing and able to perform multiple roles, and always keen on solving problems.

“We value an open working relationship with a flat hierarchy, where everyone can be empowered to take ownership of their own tasks.”

HAULIO takes pride that their team members can work independently and perform roles beyond their job scope, and yet still work seamlessly with each other. Tackling an industry wherein the key players are reluctant to adopt new systems means that there are bound to be many frustrations, but the HAULIO team continues to weather through these difficulties and visibly change the game.

Also read: Slow but steady, the logistics and supply chain industry moves toward digitalisation

Within the short time of operations, for example, they have already created another channel for hauliers to get jobs through a partnership with Singapore port operator PSA. This is just one of the innovative ideas that HAULIO has executed to improve the industry.

Notably, Alvin is the only one with prior experience in the haulage space and yet, the fact that the startup has grown so quickly and constantly is a testament to the leadership and guidance that he and his co-founders have provided.

Their achievements are also a credit to the team, who Alvin says are always challenged to rethink the way things are usually done.

As they grow their team parallel to their business, Alvin indicates that they want to keep the momentum going. “We are looking out for people who have a strong passion in bringing change to a dormant space, people who have the willingness to pick up new skills and are adaptable to changes at this early stage of our startup. The current team is built on such values, and we hope to carry this burning desire and resolution to revolutionise the industry.”


HAULIO aims to treat every container like a passenger as they move the industry towards a more efficient and collaborative one to bring added value to the eco-system.

They are an online B2B platform that connects ports, truckers, and customers to meet the demand for container hauling services, operating in Singapore. The 3rd startup to be incubated in the PSA unboXed programme, HAULIO has also received funding from NUS Enterprise and SPRING Singapore ACE Grant. Over the past 10 months, they have successfully connected 60 haulier companies to move over 30,000 TEUs in PSA ITT and IMEX jobs, with over 135 users registered to date in their network. Moving forward, the company aims to utilise IoT technology to allow hauliers to share not only jobs, but assets as well.

They are currently on the lookout for passionate individuals to join their team in attempting to change the industry.


Disclosure: This article is produced by the e27 content marketing team, sponsored by HAULIO.



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