Satyalencana Wira Karya is the highest civilian award constituted to recognise the outstanding contributions of business people in the country

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President Joko Widodo (second from right, in batik shirt) gives Bukalapak CEO Achmad Zaky (third from right) the Satyalencana Wira Karya badge during the National Cooperatives Day ceremony

Indonesian C2C marketplace Bukalapak announced that its CEO Achmad Zaky has received the prestigious Satyalencana Wira Karya award from President Joko Widodo on Thursday.

Satyalencana Wira Karya is one of the most prestigious and highest civilian awards constituted by the government to recognise Indonesians with outstanding contributions and achievement in the business domain.

The award ceremony took place on the National Cooperatives Day in the city of Jambi.

The award can also be given posthumously, and is based on an individual’s impact on the society and duration of service in his/her respective fields.

As per an official statement, Zaky was given the award for his “active contributions in the economic development by building an online marketplace platform to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) expand their market prospects that have eventually created a huge impact on the society.”

Also Read: Bukalapak beats Zalora to win top e-comm award in Indonesia

Bukalapak’s contribution in helping SMEs improve their businesses included the launch of a digital marketing and intellectual property rights training for entrepreneurs, in partnership with the Creative Economy Council (BEKRAF). The programme also included financial support, talent development, and product development for SMEs.

A few days ago, Bukalapak won The Loyalty and Engagement Awards 2016 for The Best Use of Consumer Insight/Data Analytics and The Best Use of Mobile categories in Singapore.

As per reports, Bukalapak, along with, was planning to go public. Bukalapak has however denied the reports of an impending IPO.

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