Learn how to leverage field sales mobile apps to increase sales


Field sales mobile apps are not just online and offline order taking tools. For a business which deals with direct one-to-one sales meetings, it’s beneficial in terms of proactive order management, order follow-ups, customer profile management, product information handling, real-time inventory access on-the-go and leveraging the power of app UI and UX to showcase products in an incredible manner.

Speaking about the benefits of field sales order apps, there are a few areas in which they contribute the most and they are reports and analytics, access towards contents, tracking and multi-channel connect.

It is a necessity for every business to be flawless in these areas as these determine whether a business will succeed. Now, in order to get these right, we are going to bring in some examples of field sales mobile apps which can help every retail or wholesale business to increase sales.

Reports and analytics – Knowing in and out of your business and customers for strategising better

“High-performing sales organisations are 38 per cent more likely to use sales analytics to collect customer data that informs ongoing customer interactions”. – Aberdeen Group

Reports and analytics provide the crucial data which every business owner needs to analyse in order to plan proactively and re-strategize existing plans. It showcases product demands, cost benefits, customer behaviour, seasonal, monthly and daily demands and much more in an easily comprehensible format.

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Contalog is a field sales order app that comes packed with an integrated analytics tool that helps in retrieving data based on ‘Stocks’, ‘Orders’, ‘Customers’, etc. Related modules can be chosen to form the columns and rows of the report sheet before initiating the search. To turn the search more specific, this field sales mobile software provides condition based search like ‘If’, ‘And’, ‘Or’ can be used.

Sales content – Retrieve information in seconds to deliver a flawless sales pitch

“90 per cent of sales content is not used as sales reps couldn’t find it at the time they need it”. – Skura

Retrieving sales content from bundles of hard copies is a bane whereas digital sales catalogues provided by field sales ordering software have made things easier. Continuous page flippings are now come down to just a few clicks and swipes, thanks to the UI and UX designers of field sales mobile app.

Handshake field sales mobile application does this job like a pro. A built-in search system and barcode scanner makes sales reps find desired information quickly. Compatible on iPhone and iPad, Handshake field sales ordering app supports HD images and product presentations as well.

Multi-channel connect – Unifying shopping experience across online and offline selling channels

According to a 2015 study by IDC, shoppers that buy on multiple channels have a 30% higher lifetime value than those who shop using only one channel (IDC VIA ThinkWithGoogle)

Multi-channel connect’s policy is in trend which many retailer and wholesalers are following in order to meet the demands of new age shoppers. Multi-channel connect, or in other words, omnichannel approach is centralising the data collected via multiple sales channels and providing a unified and more personalised shopping experience for consumers.

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Let’s take these statistics for an example:

According for Business2community “70 per cent of US online shoppers prefer to buy online and pick up in-store services”. – Business2 community

If a retailer is not into omnichannel approach, the consumer will not be able to place an order through a digital medium (Ex: e-commerce website) and collect the product through a direct in-store visit.

Only with the centralization of data like customer information, orders, preferences, frequency of buying, inventory etc between all existing sales channels of a business, this sort of smooth cross-channel connect is possible.

Pepperi field sales ordering app does this job in style. This field sales mobile application app is seamlessly connected with B2B e-commerce portals in which consumers visit directly to place orders themselves.

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On the other hand, orders won through direct sales pitching also gets updated into the system which means all the orders are centralised and shipments are carried out immediately.

Sales rep tracking – Tracking customer locations and sales reps in real-time

Location tracking proves productive in terms of calculating how long it takes to deliver products in a particular location based on distance and time of delivery. Based on these inputs, deliveries and follow-up meetings can be allocated smartly to avoid time delays.

Location of the prospective buyers’ place can be known through the app and sales reps can be directed along with the help of GPS and Google Maps support to travel in the shortest route possible to save time. Additionally, sales reps carrying the field sales order app can be monitored in real-time.

Insitusales is a field sales mobile software which can help businesses do this. Its sales rep tracking software provides map visualisation of the destination. The sales rep will be provided with location coordinates every five minute or every 20 meters of travel. It works in both online and offline mode.


Field sales ordering software can do wonders for field sales efforts. If your sales reps are not aided with apps it is high time to start thinking about it.

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