October 20, 2019
9 advantages of utilising 3D graphics for your online retail startup business
If you have been a part of startup retail business, organising product...
January 5, 2019
Engineers can now reverse-engineer 3D models
A system that uses a technique called constructive solid geometry (CSG) is...
September 14, 2018
3DHubs, once a community 3D printing service, is now sourcing all 3D prints internally
3D Hubs, like MakeXYZ, was a community-based 3D printing service that let anyone...
November 3, 2017
Beheld is a new startup that lets you scan, send, and print yourself
Kar Kinkead and Peter Weijmarshausen met at their old company, Shapeways....
August 29, 2016
In Utero 3D lets you touch your baby before its born
A Polish company, In Utero 3D, is doing something really sweet....