Today’s top tech news, Feb 2: India wants to completely remove use of cryptocurrency

Also, Alibaba’s valuation fell by US$30 million and its affiliate Ant...

US govt quashes Ant Financial’s buyout offer for MoneyGram

This development comes amid the Trump administration’s tightening scrutiny...

Alipay and WeChat Pay could be affected by PBOC’s QR code standards

Their market share could be affected by the new regulations Alipay and WeChat...

Must-read articles for November 14

Want to stay up on the tech scene in Asia but only have a few minutes?...

Singapore Tourism Board teams up with Alipay to better serve Chinese travellers

The Alipay will offer up-to-date content and information on Singapore The...

EMTEK and Ant Financial prepares DANA, Alipay implementation in Indonesia

The first step of Alipay implementation in Indonesia is by serving as payments...

Captain’s Log, September 18: SoftBank invests in Slack, Singapore delays cybersecurity bill

SoftBank also bought big stake in imminent IPO and Singapore polytechnics team...

Ant Financial invests in Shanghai-based fintech startup VFinance

Vfinance has also signed strategic cooperation with MyBank, an online bank...

News Capsule: The 5 stories that rocked the Asian tech community today

In today’s edition of News Capsule, an Indonesian fintech startup raised...

Jack Ma could join US$1.5 billion Grab funding round: Bloomberg

If true, it would bring Ma into direct competition with Tencent, while teaming...