What’s in store for blockchain and cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is just the tip of an iceberg called blockchain technology The...

Amun raises $4M to give stock-like buying options for crypto investors

Crypto represent a “border-less” asset that anyone can own, but...

eToro bringing crypto trading and wallet to the US

eToro, the social investing and trading platform, announced that it will finally...

Could cryptocurrency prevent accounting frauds?

At the end of the day, it all boils down to transparency Cryptocurrencies like...

Does Bitcoin have any real value?

Bitcoin is not only an evolution of something from the past — it has much...

Thailand stock exchange moves forward on goal to trade crypto

Investors seemed open-minded, but did not think it would radically change their...

The plot to revive Mt. Gox and repay victims’ Bitcoin

It was the Lehman Brothers of blockchain. 850,000 Bitcoin disappeared when...

Starting with data centers, Carbon Relay is slashing energy costs and emissions using AI

Taiwanese technology giant Foxconn International is backing Carbon Relay, a...

The Jay Kim Show: Oddup CEO James Giancotti breaks down why they are pursuing blockchain

Called Alluva, it is both a digital asset and an ICO-rating platform where users...

How stable are stablecoins?

Are stablecoins really a safe bet? Stablecoins are blockchain tokens designed to...