Blockchain and banking: is there a co-existential crisis?

Blockchain replaces the need for third-party money transferring systems like...

What major blockchain trends can we expect this 2019?

Contrary to popular belief, blockchain isn’t a total gone case Blockchain...

What the FAQ is blockchain?

One company experienced a 289 per cent share price spike following a blockchain...

What’s holding blockchain back from mainstream adoption?

Just 1 per cent blockchain adoption is expected. What about the other 99 per...

All you need to know about blockchain’s smart contracts

Smart contracts are far from perfection as they are still in development Smart...

How blockchain enabled startups to raise capital

We are now experiencing the dawn of a new era for funding blockchain startups...

7 Singapore-based blockchain projects that are having global impact

Big names, small origins With the heightened negativity associated with...

Want to make blockchain mainstream? Then speak the mainstream language

Who is the product for? Have you tried pitching it to your potential clients? Do...

What should startups consider before implementing blockchain technology?

It is important to note that similar concerns and questions were being asked by...

Ethereum meets NEO at Consensus Singapore

Both NEO and Ethereum have a “different design philosophy” where...