Startup malaise, startup ambition

Recapped. Layoffs. Slowdown. CEO transition. Budget cuts. Downsizing. In spite...

Pachama launches to support global reforestation through carbon markets

The world’s forests are ablaze, under threat from illegal logging and...

The Capture app enables you to track, reduce and offset carbon emissions from everyday life

Josie Stoker’s previous job involved extensive business travel, mostly...

MAEKO addresses climate change by converting food waste into compost. Greta Thunberg should feel happy

Is there a direct link between food wastage and climate change? Food wastage is...

Cervest raises £3.7M for Earth Science AI platform to predict climate effects

Climate risk, including extreme events and the related pressures our...

The raging Amazon forest fires: Why businesses need to step up for climate change

Incentivising on climate change can assure people to behave much more...

Can tech prevent the end of civilisation?

Climate change presents a real existential threat to the human race, but can...

The rise of (societal) resilience tech

If you follow millennials on Twitter (and god help you), then you know that Anne...

Y Combinator issues a request for geo-engineering startups because climate change is real and we’re all going to die

Y Combinator, the wildly successful San Francisco-based startup accelerator, is...

e27 AMA with Julian Lee, the Founder and CEO of Ambi Labs

Julian Lee will be online this Thursday, August 31, at 2.30pm SGT, but drop your...