ShiftLeft promises to protect your code even when you ignore security threats

 Every day companies are uploading fresh code to the cloud. The pace is...

Deepgram opens up its machine transcription platform to everyone

 Deepgram, a startup applying machine learning to audio data, is releasing...

Accelo hauls in $9 million to digitize operations for project-driven small businesses

 Accelo, a six-year old startup, is trying to solve a big problem for...

Matternet’s autonomous delivery drones can now refuel and reload by themselves

 Matternet, a startup building autonomous drones for delivery, has been...

Real-time data analytics startup Incorta raises $15M Series B led by Kleiner Perkins

 Incorta, the startup that wants to speed up big data analytics by...

Threat Stack snares $45 million investment as spotlight shines brightly on security

 Threat Stack, the Boston-based security startup that helps companies stay...

Matroid picks up $10M Series A to automate video stream monitoring

 As computer vision and object recognition technology continue to mature,...

Heptio raises $25M Series B to help bring cloud-native computing to the enterprise

 Heptio, the startup founded by Kubernetes co-founders Craig McLuckie and...

New Affectiva cloud API helps machines understand emotions in human speech

 Affectiva, the startup that spun out of the MIT Media Lab several years...

Pingpad update brings organizational layer to Slack

 One of the primary benefits of using Slack is the ability to communicate...