, the ambitious project to build a better Twitter, is finally dead

 Aiming for the stars and not quite making it, the ambitious has...

Media blog Techdirt fights for its life in frivolous lawsuit

 Techdirt, a blog about the intersections of law, media, and technology, is...

Shine’s Roi Carthy talks about media and peace

 Roi Carthy has been a mover and a shaker in the Israeli tech scene for...

Xplenty raises another $4 million to help you integrate all your data

 The internet has changed a lot over the last two decades, but many...

The 10 largest Series B rounds of 2016

 Let’s face it, if you’re an investor, you were probably priced...

The 10 largest Series B rounds of 2016

 Let’s face it, if you’re an investor, you were probably priced...

The 10 largest Series B rounds of 2016

 Let’s face it, if you’re an investor, you were probably priced...

The 10 largest Series B rounds of 2016

 Let’s face it, if you’re an investor, you were probably priced...

The 10 largest Series B rounds of 2016

 Let’s face it, if you’re an investor, you were probably priced...

The Arduino MKRZero is a teenier, tinier DIY board for hardware hackers

 What do you buy for someone who has everything? Either a pink fairy...