Tim Berners-Lee is on a mission to decentralize the web

The father of the World Wide Web has a new venture-funded business called inrupt...

D-Wave offers the first public access to a quantum computer

Outside the crop of construction cranes that now dot Vancouver’s bright,...

Deliverr raises $7M to help e-commerce businesses compete with Amazon Prime

Deliverr, a startup that helps retailers offer a Prime-like delivery experience...

Overstock’s investment arm funded blockchain for wine

Of all the things to add to the blockchain, wine makes a lot of sense. Given the...

Sonatype raises $80 million to build out Nexus platform

Sonatype, a cybersecurity-focused open-source company, has raised $80 million...

Mobile spyware maker leaks 2 million records

mSpy, a commercial spyware solution designed to help you spy on kids and...

Peep the future of distributed ledgers with the leaders of Hyperledger, Parity Technologies and Tradeshift

As cryptocurrencies emerge from the speculative bloodletting of the past months,...

Flowbox is a tool that makes it easy to build special effects

What do you get when you connect a bunch of filmmakers with a bunch of...

“Unhackable” BitFi crypto wallet has been hacked

The BitFi crypto wallet was supposed to be unhackable and none other than famous...

Sagewise pitches a service to verify claims and arbitrate disputes over blockchain transactions

Sometimes smart contracts can be pretty dumb. All of the benefits of a...