5 legal mistakes startups make after inception and how you can avoid them

  I get it-you’re excited about your startup and you can’t...

Google will start attributing lyrics in its search results to their third-party providers

Earlier this week, music lyrics repository Genius accused Google of lifting...

How can you protect your business’s work from content thieves?

Opportunity makes a thief — so here’s how to remove opportunity...

PropertyGuru has been fighting 99.co over a copyright lawsuit since April 2016

The case hinges on a third-party tool called Xpressor, which allows agents to...

Businesses run into legal issues all the time, and here are 4 things you should plan for to mitigate the risks

As a startup, these are just some of the challenges you may face, and the more...

A conversation about digital copyright reform

 The European Union is in the process of reforming copyright laws that date...

9 pieces of patent advice you should hear before you apply

The most important part of the patent process is the preparation you do...

Blockai’s new tool combines tweeting and claiming copyright

 Blockai is supposed to help photographers and artists defend their...