Have hundreds of unicorns missed their exit window as Q1 IPOs grind to a halt?

As investors struggle to price the stock market as economic and political news...

Online ID verification is seeing a spike in demand driven by COVID-19

With many businesses switching staff to remote working during the COVID-19...

Startups developing tech to combat COVID-19 urged to apply for fast-track EU funding

The European Commission put out a call Friday for startups and small businesses...

Three travel startups tell us how they’re responding to the coronavirus crisis

With the globalized world going into partial or complete lock down over the...

How Metro Manila’s COVID-19 community quarantine is affecting the local startup community

The Philippines has become the latest country to join in the lockdown caused by...

Edtech startups prepare to become ‘not just a teaching tool but a necessity’

As Stanford, Princeton, Columbia and others shutter classrooms to limit the...

Immutouch wristband buzzes to stop you touching your face

In the age of coronavirus, we all have to resist the urge to touch our faces....

Equity Monday: Circuit breakers, seed rounds and startup valuations

Good morning friends, and welcome back to TechCrunch’s Equity Monday, a...

Morning News Roundup: Vietnam’s e-commerce startup Leflair accused of owing US$2M to suppliers

Business Vietnam’s e-commerce platform Leflair allegedly owes US$2M...

VCs warn coronavirus will impact fundraising for the next 2 quarters

As of this writing, COVID-19 has killed more than 3,400 people around the globe...