7 ways how creative thinking can scale your startup

The rise of startups has created a rise in the need for creativity in...

Creativity meets entrepreneurship: Why it is the next big thing Singapore needs to thrive

As a country with just over 50 years of independence, Singapore has, for many...

How the first hour of your day can make you a better leader

  Mornings, like Mondays, have gotten a bad rap, unfairly in my opinion....

3 types of hobbies every growth-minded individual needs to cultivate

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Words that were hard...

Meme editor Kapwing grows 10X, raises $11M

Kapwing is a laymen’s Adobe Creative Suite built for what people actually...

Mind your emotions: why emotional agility is the key to personal growth

By skipping past the difficulties our emotions can bring, we miss important...

Creativity vs control: how to manage a creative team

Managing a creative team means finding harmony between the irrational creative...

(Deliberate) practice makes perfect: how to become an expert in anything

It isn’t just about putting in the hours, but also doing it smartly...

Why high-performers don’t use to-do lists

To-do lists are like our modern Frankensteins; monsters of our own creation...

How (properly) wasting time at work increases productivity

Taking time to walk boosts creativity — just look at Charles Dickens,...