Today’s top tech news, April 3: Ex-500 Startups CEO Dave McClure is back in tech scene after #MeToo allegations

Also, Singapore-based blockchain startup Morpheus Labs launches blockchain...

The startup world’s moments of ignominy; chronicling the sexual harassment cases that shamed the industry in 2017

Of course, allegations of sexual assaults against Dave McClure were the...

Here’s the 22nd batch of 500 Startups companies

 500 Startups is ramping up its next batch of companies in its early stage...

500 Canada to terminate fund’s investment period in aftermath of sexual harassment scandals

Despite the commitment to continue helping fundraising efforts, 500 Canada will...

We need to change the way we talk about sexual harassment, an interview with Cheryl Yeoh

The key? Believe the victim first, then work from there On Tuesday, Cheryl Yeoh...

Men, this is why women stay silent when sexually harassed

When it takes a long time for a woman to speak up after harassment,...

Khailee Ng ‘angry and sad’ about Dave McClure scandal, but will continue to support 500 Startups

Ng says 500’s mission is larger than McClure and will continue to be...

500 Startups is bigger than Dave McClure, and the tribe is about creating life-changing innovations for the community

I am not suggesting that this is an issue that is to be slighted or glossed...

‘Disappointing and shocking’, say 500 Startups venture partners about Dave McClure saga

“We at 500 Startups Vietnam have no tolerance for this sort of...

Cheryl Yeoh offers tech community idea to fix sexual harassment problem

It involves enforcing a strict structure, and punishments according to the...