China’s growing digital influence in Africa

There’s been a heap of China in Africa coverage over the last decade, but...

Knowable launches its “not a podcast” $100 audio classes

Books on tape were the lifeblood of self-help. But eLearning startups like Khan...

DataHawk provides e-commerce analytics so you can optimize your listings

Meet DataHawk, a French startup that wants to build a sort of App Annie for...

Jen Rubio to tell us the secrets behind Away’s success at Disrupt Berlin

If you’ve been to an airport recently, you’ve probably spotted a ton...

8 blunders that every e-commerce startup needs to avoid

Getting started with a proper strategy and a great team can take you closer to...

Europe shows the way in online privacy

After passively watching for many years as tech giants developed dominant market...

Beyond Pricing raises $42M to tell you what to charge on Airbnb

Most people just guess how to price their vacation rental based on minimal...

Package Free picks up $4.5 million to scale sustainable CPG products

The climate crisis continues to be just that… a crisis. And it’s...

Target Global is firming up its bet on Barcelona’s entrepreneurs

VC firm Target Global has just announced it’s expanding its European...

Pan-European VC fund Target Global is opening an office in Barcelona

Hola Barcelona. Target Global, a pan-European VC firm with €700 million...