Edge computing startup Pensando comes out of stealth mode with a total of $278 million in funding

Pensando, an edge computing startup founded by former Cisco engineers, came out...

Data storage company Cloudian launches a new edge analytics subsidiary called Edgematrix

Cloudian, a company that enables businesses to store and manage massive amounts...

SimShine raises $8 million for home security cameras that use edge computing

SimShine, a computer vision startup based in Shenzhen, has raised $8 million in...

Swim.ai raises $11M to bring real-time analytics to the edge

Once upon a time, it looked like cloud-based serviced would become the central...

What role does edge computing and machine learning have in IoT?

In edge computing, computing capabilities are decentralized and performed closer...

What is edge computing? And why is it the future of the internet?

Computing is set to return to the old days, where peer-to-peer devices dominates...