Myki rolls out a password manager that locks all your info away on your phone

 Everything is getting hacked to the point that it’s getting kind of...

Create hassle-free slideshow presentations online with Slides

 Meetings are probably never going to die — and, along with that,...

CEO David Sacks on moving on from Zenefits’ troubled past

 Zenefits at one point was one of the fastest growing software companies in...

App platform Kinetise aims to bring app building to the enterprise

 Kinetise, an app building platform and Disrupt hackathon favorite, aims to...

Blackstorm raises $33.5M to help developers get their apps everywhere beyond the App Store

 Managing the App Store can be one of the most difficult experiences for...

New AirMap feature helps drones avoid manned aircraft

 A Santa Monica-based startup called AirMap today launched a feature that...

Glint raises $27 million to stop solid employees from bailing

 Redwood City-based Glint has raised $27 million in a Series C round of...

Alphabet’s David Drummond leaves Uber’s board amid mounting competition

 David Drummond, who joined Uber’s board of directors in August 2013,...

What Salesforce’s acquisition of Quip means for enterprise software startups

 A new player has entered the enterprise productivity race. For decades,...

Dropbox is resetting passwords for accounts that haven’t changed them since mid-2012

 Dropbox is requiring users that have not changed their passwords since...