Facebook cracks down on fake live videos

 Facebook is banning misleading uses of its Live video format. The company...

The real benefits of Facebook Live and how to best take advantage of the platform

If you’re planning to make live streaming part of your social media...

Tinder rules in Asia, but data shows it is fuelling competition

The fact that the most popular dating apps are largely variation on...

Tinder rules in Asia, but data shows it is fuelling competition

The fact that the most popular dating apps are largely variation on...

With these strategies to achieve growth through virality, you can accelerate traction like Facebook and other big brands

Growth is no longer the ownership of marketing team; It is a joint property of...

With these strategies to achieve growth through virality, you can accelerate traction like Facebook and other big brands

Growth is no longer the ownership of marketing team; It is a joint property of...

Pinguin is a public chat room for nerd(ier people)

 Pinguin is a new app that lets you chat with people based on your...

[Discussion] It is raining Alibaba and Tencent news in SEA, but is it nourishment or acid rain?

We embrace the Googles of the world, so why are people concerned when Tencent...

[Discussion] It is raining Alibaba and Tencent news in SEA, but is it nourishment or acid rain?

We embrace the Googles of the world, so why are people concerned when Tencent...

Media Prima Digital set to buy Catcha Group’s REV Asia for US$24M, becomes largest Malaysian digital media company

REV Asia is partly owned by Youth Asia, meaning this deal involved three of...