Facebook is slowly accepting its new role as the most powerful media company in the world

Here’s why Facebook should take a more active role in better curation of...

Most students can’t tell fake news from real news, study shows

 If you thought you heard the last on fake news, you were sadly mistaken. A...

Aspiring entrepreneurs: Kickstart your 2017 with NUS’ Global Entrepreneurs’ Conference

To kick off 2017, NUS Entrepreneurship Society will be organising the Global...

Aspiring entrepreneurs: Kickstart your 2017 with NUS’ Global Entrepreneurs’ Conference

To kick off 2017, NUS Entrepreneurship Society will be organising the Global...

Aspiring entrepreneurs: Kickstart your 2017 with NUS’ Global Entrepreneurs’ Conference

To kick off 2017, NUS Entrepreneurship Society will be organising the Global...

Singapore govt is developing a Facebook chat bot to connect the public with its ministries

The developer for this programme is San Francisco- and Singapore-based AI...

Like by smiling? Facebook acquires emotion detection startup FacioMetrics

 Facebook could one day build facial gesture controls for its app thanks to...

Snapchat has reportedly filed confidentially for its massive IPO

 Snapchat appears to be moving forward in its plans to go public early next...

Beyond calls and texts: WhatsApp launches cross-platform video calling

While late in the game, competing with the likes of Skype, FaceTime and...

Wake up call: The nefarious future of Facebook

Trump showed us how to win an election using the algorithm, opening our eyes to...