New startup Capital wants to reintroduce founders to venture debt

Capital raises $5M from Future Ventures, Greycroft and others.

7 life skills we can learn from Mark Zuckerberg

Life skills are surprisingly crucial to your success at work, too. Here’s...

Combining StitchFix and Instagram, FlipFit ushers in the next phase of social retail

Nooruldeen Agha has been thinking about what’s next for fashion retail for...

Ex-Facebook execs think social media is destroying society, but is it really?

The moment Sean Parker suggested Mark Zuckerberg drop “The” in...

Today’s top tech news: India considers censoring Netflix, Amazon Prime Video

India considers censoring Netflix, Amazon Prime Video – Reuters A senior...

Kenyan telco Safaricom’s Alpha incubator faces uncertain future

Safaricom’s Nairobi-based Alpha innovation incubator may have an uncertain...

Labor leaders and startup founders talk how to build a sustainable gig economy

Over the past few years, gig economy companies and the treatment of their labor...

Why each Libra member’s mutiny hurts Facebook

There’s a strategic cost to the defection of Visa, Stripe, eBay, and more...

How ‘the Internet broke America’ with The New Yorker’s Andrew Marantz

When Elizabeth Warren took on Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook earlier this week, it...

As Sinai Ventures returns first fund, partner Jordan Fudge talks new LA focus

At age 27, Jordan Fudge is quietly making a splash in the VC world. Fudge is the...