6 mistakes that can kill your startup in the first two years

Building a business is not all fun and games Starting a business is easy;...

6 mistakes that can kill your startup in the first two years

Building a business is not all fun and games Starting a business is easy;...

10 invaluable lessons every start up failure teaches us

Failure is not the end of the world. It’s all about learning from...

10 invaluable lessons every start up failure teaches us

Failure is not the end of the world. It’s all about learning from...

5 quick tips for reviving your struggling startup

From rebranding to pivot to retargeting, here are some tips that can help give...

5 quick tips for reviving your struggling startup

From rebranding to pivot to retargeting, here are some tips that can help give...

Should we celebrate failure?

Business deals are like marriages. In a marriage, if you pick a partner who is...

How to shut down a startup in 36 hours

Alex Fishman, Founder and CEO of Bugsee, explains in full detail how he dealt...

An open letter to Indian startups, entrepreneurs, VCs and startup employees: Let’s celebrate failure

Over 95 per cent of startups are expected to fail. In fact, we are...