Where top VCs are investing in fintech

Over the past several years, ‘fintech’ has quietly become the unsung...

European early-stage VC firm ‘Project A’ on Europe’s startup scene taking the next step

Project A, the Berlin-based VC, just raised a new $200 million fund (€180...

Grasshopper’s Judith Erwin leaps into innovation banking

In the years following the financial crisis, de novo bank activity in the US...

Tally’s Jason Brown on fintech’s first debt roboadvisor and an automated financial future

Yesterday, Tally, the startup looking to automate consumers financial lives,...

‘Weirdo’ Fintech VC Anthemis marches to its own drummer

Entering into the world of Anthemis is a bit like stepping into the frame of a...

Fintech and clean tech? An odd couple or a perfect marriage?

The Valley’s rocky history with clean tech investing has been...