The Story of You with Antler Founder and CEO Magnus Grimeland

Antler will showcase their first batch of companies after 5-months under their...

Meet the 18 original founders of Alibaba

Jack Ma is the founder and chairman of Alibaba Group, but it is a little-known...

The first step is to show up

Show up again and again, and you will find yourself sharing meaningful...

The 4 principles of hiring an omnipotent founding team for your startup

In 2008, two young East Indian men, Deepinder Goyal and Pankaj Chaddah, launched...

7 things to consider when distributing leadership roles among founders

Make sure you play to your co-founders’ strengths Question: What’s...

This Singapore Founder created thousands of jobs over the past 50 years, yet not many people have heard about him

A lesson to founders: Be morally upright, and understand your mission very well...

4 things I learned from Dexecure CEO’s talk at the Arcadier Inspire Summit

An expert in web performance and security, InianParameshwaran discussed the...

12 mistakes founders make when trying to scale quickly

Take it day by day Question: What is one mistake young companies make when...

Being an entrepreneur is not a trend, but a calling to solve a particular problem

If you do not have the passion and if you cannot put in the effort, then you...

Justin Kan’s Atrium is starting a boot camp to help founders raise money

 Raising a Series A is hard for a founder. Especially when you consider...